Highlights from ‘Population of Households, 2024’
The following statistics were released from the Economics and Statistics Division on November 28. For full details from this dataset, please click here.
- Nova Scotia’s population as of July 1, 2024 was 1,076,374
- On July 1, 2024 there were 475,881 households in Nova Scotia
- Of these, about 70% were 1 or 2 person households
- A further 25% were 3 or 4 person households
- Households of 5 or more persons amounted to about 5% of the number of households in Nova Scotia
- Nova Scotia had a higher than average share of the population in 1 and 2 person households
- From July 1, 2023 to July 1, 2024 Nova Scotia’s population increased by about 1.9% while the number of households increased by 2.7%
- As Nova Scotia was one of two provinces (along with Prince Edward Island) in which household growth outpaced population growth, the average household size contracted to 2.26 persons per household
- Since 2015, the number of households in Nova Scotia has grown by over 74,000
- With rising numbers of one-person households, the average household size in Nova Scotia has declined in most years