Statistics // Job Vacancies for September 2021

On November 25, Statistics Canada released monthly results from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) for September 2021.

Notice // CANS Office to Close Early on November 26 and December 9

Please be advised, CANS Office will close early on these dates. We appreciate your cooperation and encourage members to plan accordingly when accessing CANS services.

CANSnet Preview: NS21-2111 – Public Works – South Shore Regional Hospital Tender Package (TP) #03

The work will include renovations to the emergency department, the endoscopy/day surgery unit, dialysis and physical plant. There will be a new space created for an MRI. Construction is expected to take seven years to complete. The work will be completed in phases.

National Construction Day – November 30

Billed as a day to celebrate the dedicated, hard-working people instrumental in building and connecting our communities through infrastructure, this year’s Construction Day will focus on the industry’s efforts to attract and retain a talented, diverse and inclusive workforce. Find out how you can get involved!

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