Statistics — Construction Sector Payroll Employment up 8.7%, Jan-May 2021

With May reference month results, year-over-year (May 2021 vs May 2020) and year-to-date (Jan-May 21 vs Jan-May 20) are showing the rebounds in economic activity from the unprecedented declines observed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click to find highlights from the latest statistics released for Payroll, Employment and Earnings, May 2021.

News — Nova Scotia Construction Industry Calls on Government To Finalize Prompt Payment Regulation (Video)

(Video) Global News speaks to Heather Cruickshanks (L.E. Cruickshanks Sheet Metal Ltd.) God Gamble (Iron Dog) and CANS President & CEO, Duncan Williams about the impact delayed payment has on the construction industry and the Nova Scotian economy.

Statistics — Construction sector activity down 2.3%, May 2021

Read through the latest statistics released on Canada’s GDP by industry as of May 2021.

Statistics — Construction Saw a National Job Vacancy Rate of 5.5%, May 2021

Click here for key highlights from statistics covering May 2021’s job vacancy rates. The job vacancy rate is a key indicator of labour market conditions. The job vacancy rate is the percentage of job positions (both filled and vacant) that are vacant.

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