Active Businesses in Halifax Up 1.9% from February 2020 to May 2021

Read more statistics released on “Business Opening and Closing, May 2021” including a look at the impact of COVID-19.

Statistics — NS Construction Payroll Employment Was Up 9.4% (Jan-June 2021)

Read more employment, earnings and hours highlights for Nova Scotia, reported in June 2021.

Statistics — 30% of Nova Scotia Businesses Report Shortage in Skilled Labour (Q3 Survey)

Looking over the next 12 months, 8% of Nova Scotia business respondents felt very or somewhat optimistic about business conditions. Read more from this survey including business expectations for the next three months and reported obstacles that employers are facing at this time.

Statistics — Construction-related Business Counts Shrunk 1.3% (Dec 2020-June 2021)

Find highlights from the latest statistics released on Business Counts in Nova Scotia (June 2021). Note: Statistics Canada noted that business counts as of June 2021 may not yet fully reflect impacts of the pandemic. Resumption or permanent closure of businesses may not yet be fully processed and confirmed.

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