Notice // CANS Office Closed on July 1, 2022

Please be advised that CANS office will be closed on Friday, July 1, 2022, to observe the Canada Day holiday. CANS office will reopen on Monday, July 4 with regular operating hours, 8 a.m. – 4 p.m.

Statistics // Labour Force Survey & Trends (May 2022)

Nova Scotia’s Finance and Treasury Board released the following statistics on June 10, 2022. Note: Labour force survey results reflect the period from May 15 to 21. 

Statistics // Highlights from “Housing Starts (May 2022)”

Nova Scotia’s Finance and Treasury Board released the following statistics on June 15, 2022.

CANS Workforce Development Offers An Introduction to the Native Council of Nova Scotia, June 29

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia is proud to partner with the Native Council of Nova Scotia on an informative webinar that will educate CANS members on the services and programs offered by the Native Council of Nova Scotia related to the construction industry.

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