Notice // Emerging Leaders – Call for Committee Members

Are you looking for ways to get involved with the construction industry? CANS Emerging Leaders Committee is seeking new members! Join a dynamic and engaged committee focused on constructing valuable and inclusive opportunities for developing industry leaders under 40 to connect.

Statistics // Highlights from “Housing Starts, June 2022”

The following statistics were released via Nova Scotia Economics and Statistics Division on Monday, July 18, 2022.

Statistics // Highlights from ‘Building Construction, May 2022’

The following statistics were released via Nova Scotia Economics and Statistics on Thursday, July 14, 2022.

CCDC Document Webinars to Review CCDC 23 on August 11

This webinar will review CCDC 23, which focuses on best practices for securing construction services by means of a competitive lowest bid procurement method. The document’s authors will explain the underlying principles behind these recommended practices.

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