PPO Looks Deeper at Benefit Plans

Prompt Payment Ontario (PPO) is undertaking a survey of multi-employer benefit plans to quantify the cost of damages stemming from delinquent payments, which will form part of the organization’s submission to the Construction Lien Act review. Read more

Netherlands Firm to Test ‘Maintenance-free’ Roads Made from Recycled Plastic

Canadians are used to driving on damaged, pothole-filled asphalt that always seems to be under construction during the summer. Now a construction company in the Netherlands hopes to improve the quality of roads and reduce waste by using recycled plastic for road construction. Read more

New Geopolymer Mortar Helps to Protect Aging Buildings

Engineers are using a newly developed carbon-fiber-reinforced geopolymer mortar as a conductor for cathodic protection (CP). The mortar helps to carry an electrical current through the steel frames of structures built before 1960, guarding against corrosion. Read more

World’s First 3D-Printed Steel Bridge to Be Erected by Robotics Firm, Contractor

With robots that can “draw” steel structures in 3D, a bridge over water in the center of Amsterdam will be printed. See video

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