Tech start-up Converge to Bring ‘Internet of Things’ to Construction Sites

A technology start-up run by two Cambridge physics graduates is working with a major UK-based international contractor to develop a method of testing concrete strength using “Internet of Things” sensors and processing. Read more.

3D Printing Takes Shape in Construction

Not many people even raise an eyebrow at the mention of 3D printing a house or an apartment. After all, people in the construction industry know these things have been done, and that other, more ambitious projects are under way. Read more.

Changes on the Gold Seal Website

The Gold Seal Certification website has undergone some changes: – New information on the training requirements for applicants. – New information on the accreditation program for course providers. – New link to accredited training courses.

A Building Material That Reacts to Weather and Is Inspired by Pinecones?

Looking at a simple pinecone, Chao Chen, a Royal College of Art student, envisioned a building material that can shapeshift to the weather around it. Read more.

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