Global pricing: prepare to talk values, says consultant

Project pricing in the global construction marketplace is a tremendously important aspect of doing business, but many companies underestimate its impact on their bottom line, said an international pricing expert at a seminar during the recent Buildings Show in Toronto. Read more

Enclosures should match efficiency ambition: Expert

Advanced HVAC systems can provide marvelous energy efficiency benefits to virtually any building. The problem is that many such systems work harder and claim a larger footprint simply because buildings are often designed with little regard for the thermal performance of their enclosures or the way in which their design influences heating and cooling loads. […]

Construction sector to fight climate change

The construction sector has pledged to speed up the fight against climate change with the launch of the Global Alliance for Buildings and Construction. Read more

Nova Scotia Watercourse Alteration Installer Certification – deadline October 1st, 2016

October 1st, 2016 is the deadline to obtain their Nova Scotia Watercourse Alteration Installer Certification to be compliant with legislation in the province. The Maritime College of Forest Technology will be offering training on the following dates in 2016: Nova Scotia Watercourse Alteration Certification for Sizers (Truro) March 7, 8 & 9 – Best Western […]

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