CCA Releases a Report on the Quality of Documents Workshops

In 2015 CCA embarked on a series of “Quality of Documents” workshops across Canada to explore and discuss the issue of poor quality documentation, its potential causes, and, perhaps most importantly, potential solutions to address the issue. With the workshops now complete, CCA is pleased to publish a summary report of both the workshops and […]

New Infrastructure Program Invests in Innovation and Sustainable Growth at Canadian Post-secondary Institutions

The Minister of Science announced last week that the Government of Canada will launch the application process for a $2-billion fund that will improve research and innovation infrastructure at universities and colleges across the country. Read more

B.C. Construction Industry Hiring Workers from Alberta

Strong activity in British Columbia’s construction industry is drawing skilled workers to the province from Alberta, according to the 2016 Construction Industry Survey, released Feb. 23 by the British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA). Read more

How Can You Attract Millenials to Your Construction Business?

The construction industry has been in the threat of a worker shortage for years now as many baby boomers are retiring, the Great Recession forced many construction laborers out of the industry, and fewer and fewer young adults are interested in joining the construction industry. Read more

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