Highly-skilled Foreign Workers Have Role to Play

Canada’s Building Trades Unions (CBTU) has put forward recommendations to a federal parliamentary committee reviewing the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP) that support the use of foreign nationals in highly-skilled construction occupations.Read more

Minecraft Game Wants to Turn Teens into Future Construction Managers

Lego has long been lauded by architecture geeks as a childhood gateway drug into the world of designing and building. Now, the UK wants to use a similar idea to hook teens on the fun of construction management. The Chartered Institute of Building (CIOB) has developed a four-part construction curriculum played within Minecraft—the wildly popular […]

Virtual Reality Steps into The Construction World

Architects, designers and engineers are learning what “gamers” have known for some time: Virtual Reality (VR) has a place in the modern world. Read more

Future Roads May Contain 100% More Pig Poop

A team of researchers at North Carolina Agricultural & Technical State University is testing a substance made from pig manure to use as an asphalt binder to replace petroleum-based products, according to a report by the National Science Foundation (NSF). Read more

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