Construction Workers Are Working Past Their Best-before Dates

Construction work is hard on the body and being able to retire with a full pension before the age of 65 should be considered as the Canada Pension Plan evolves, says a human resources professor. Read more

Have Your Say on Canada’s Infrastructure Plan

The Government of Canada is investing $120 billion over the next 10 years to build strong, inclusive and sustainable communities and they want to hear from you. Phase 1 is already underway, and now the Government of Canada is inviting you to share your views on Phase 2 of Canada’s infrastructure plan. Visit to provide your feedback in […]

How Tablet Computers Changed the Construction Industry

Robert Kipp’s must-have tool when he steps onto a construction site isn’t a walkie-talkie or a hard-hat, though you’ll never spot him without them. It’s an eight-inch Apple iPad Mini on which he stores blueprints, field documentation, and other relevant information. Read more

Calgary Start-up Wants to Be ‘Airbnb’ for Heavy Equipment Owners

The founders of Calgary-based startup AnyQuip liken their newly formed company to “AirBnB or Uber for heavy equipment owners.” Read more

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