CCA Members Look to Strengthen Voice On Resource Development

Proposed pipeline projects such as Energy East, Trans Mountain and Northern Gateway continue to make headlines across the country with vocal opposition, but members of the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) would like to voice their side of the story on resource development and extraction. Read more

CCA On Resource Development

Daily Commercial News interviewed CCA president Michael Atkinson and CCA chair Gilbert Brulotte on resource development. Watch video

Engineers Test Cloud-based Infrastructure Failure Sensing System

A research team from Washington University installed a first-of-its-kind infrastructure sensor array Sept. 21 on North America’s longest suspension bridge to test the ability of sensor technology to self-monitor and report on the integrity of large-scale infrastructure projects. Read more

Halifax Regional Municipality 2016 Election – Candidate Responses

In the Halifax Regional Municipality Election, CANS will play an active roll, ensuring that the issues important to our members and the industry are top of mind for all candidates. We have sent all candidates the CANS Halifax Regional Municipality Candidate Questionnaire asking them their positions on key issues facing our industry. We want to make sure […]

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