Action required – Complete the prompt payment adjudication and process survey by April 10

As you may be aware, the provincial government is preparing regulations regarding prompt payment and adjudication processes for the construction industry. Complete the feedback survey by April 10.

Highlights from Federal Budget 2023-2024 – Impact on Construction Industry

On Tuesday, March 28, the federal government released its 2023-2024 budget with a plan to build a stronger, more sustainable, and more secure Canadian economy. Read more.

Highlights from Nova Scotia Provincial Budget 2023-2024 – Impact on Construction Industry

Earlier today, the government of Nova Scotia released its 2023-2024 budget. With revenues of $14.2 billion and expenses of $14.4 billion, Budget 2023-24 estimates a deficit of $278.9 million after consolidation. Read more.

Call for BFY Host Employers — start shaping your future workforce today!

As an employer in Nova Scotia’s construction industry, you recognize the increasing need to develop and retain our current and future workforce. Start making a difference today. Be proactive and shape your workforce by participating as a Building Futures for Youth (BFY) Host Employer this summer!

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