Special Weather Advisory: CANS office will delay opening until 10 a.m.
/in front/by Alison ClackDue to current weather conditions, CANS office will delay opening until 10 a.m. on Wednesday, February 14.
Statistics: Building Permits, December & Annual 2023
/in front, news/by CANSNova Scotia’s non-residential building permits increased 64.1% in 2023.
Thank you for attending CANS Construction Job Fair
/in front/by Alison ClackOn Thursday, February 8, CANS kicked off its first event of the year with the CANS Construction Job Fair — and we are proud to say it was a huge success!
Notice: Urgent Request to Help with Snow Clearing in Cape Breton
/in front/by Alison ClackThe Province of Nova Scotia is seeking potential suppliers they could contract with directly to provide assistance with snow removal efforts in Cape Breton. Specifically, the Province is inquiring about suppliers who can provide and operate heavy equipment for snow removal such as excavators, front loaders and dump trucks.