Nova Scotia’s construction industry to face challenges as 8,000 workers set to retire over next 10 years

The loss of those workers combined with fewer young people available to fill the vacant spots will make it difficult to maintain a skilled workforce of sufficient size, says a spokeswoman for BuildForce Canada. Read more.

World’s First 3D-printed Pedestrian Bridge Pops up in Madrid

Inaugurated December 14 in the park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, just south of Madrid in Spain, the 40-foot-long is made up of eight parts, each one comprising layers of fused concrete powder micro-reinforced with thermoplastic polypropylene. Read more

Dutch Researchers Put Hemp to The Test on Netherlands Bridge

Dutch researchers are testing the load-bearing potential of hemp and flax fiber in a new footbridge on the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology, in the Netherlands, according to Reuters. Read more

Will the World’s Next Megacity Drip out of a 3D Printer?

Cazza, a Dubai-based start-up, has designed a 3D-printing crane dubbed the “Minitank”, which the company says can layer up to 2,153 square feet (200 sqm) of concrete per day — making it more than 50% faster than conventional construction methods. Read more

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