Automated Vehicles Will Mean Major Disruption: Panellists

The advent of automated vehicles (AVs) is coming faster than anyone seems to have anticipated and engineers, city planners, tech experts, government policymakers and others need to prepare now. Read more

Bill Black on Lean Construction

Brxton Construction LLP CEO Bill Black was a recent speaker at Buildex Express, held in downtown Vancouver. Black addressed the challenges and advantages of lean construction methods as opposed to traditional approaches to projects. Watch video

What Could Adjudication Look Like Under Lien Act Reform?

Dispute resolution and adjudication are a major part of Ontario’s Construction Lien Act Review process and were a key topic of discussion by a panel of experts at an educational session entitled Proposed Changes to the Construction Lien Act: Implications for the Industry, hosted by Gowling WLG recently. Read more

Bill S-224 Passes Second Reading In the Senate

Bill S-224, the Canada Prompt Payment Act, has passed second reading in the senate, a Nov. 28 release from Manitoba Senator Don Plett indicates. Read more

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