World’s First 3D-printed Pedestrian Bridge Pops up in Madrid

Inaugurated December 14 in the park of Castilla-La Mancha in Alcobendas, just south of Madrid in Spain, the 40-foot-long is made up of eight parts, each one comprising layers of fused concrete powder micro-reinforced with thermoplastic polypropylene. Read more

Dutch Researchers Put Hemp to The Test on Netherlands Bridge

Dutch researchers are testing the load-bearing potential of hemp and flax fiber in a new footbridge on the campus of the Eindhoven University of Technology, in the Netherlands, according to Reuters. Read more

Will the World’s Next Megacity Drip out of a 3D Printer?

Cazza, a Dubai-based start-up, has designed a 3D-printing crane dubbed the “Minitank”, which the company says can layer up to 2,153 square feet (200 sqm) of concrete per day — making it more than 50% faster than conventional construction methods. Read more

Aging Canadian Workforce Means Changes to Occupational Health and Safety Programs

A workers’ compensation researcher and consultant in British Columbia says an aging Canadian workforce will place increasing demands on workplace health and safety programs. Read more

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