Report Urges Sale of Transmission Resources

Cities across Canada should sell their electricity distribution companies and invest the proceeds in critical municipal infrastructure, suggests a new C.D. Howe Institute report. Read more.

Province Investing $390 Million to Twin and Improve Safety

After hearing from Nova Scotians during province-wide twinning consultations, government is investing an additional $390 million in capital funding over seven years to improve highways without the use of tolls. Read more.

Legal pot raises corporate questions as firms fret over liability issues

Stoned employees are likely to become more common if Canada legalizes recreational pot next year. And the extra legal liability that will come with that is something employers need to nip in the bud, says a Halifax lawyer. Read more.

In Memoriam – Past President of CANS, Leslie Reuben White

Les White of Fundy Construction passed away on Friday, April 28, 2017. Les served as President in 1983. To view his obituary, click HERE. Fundy Construction (Halifax, Nova Scotia) itself has had a long tradition of involvement and support for the Construction Association of Nova Scotia. Six individuals from the company served as president — A.S. […]

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