Contest Seeks Transformational Projects to Boost Canadian Economy

The corridors that have come to define Canada are hardly relics. The country still depends on the St. Lawrence Seaway, the Canadian Pacific Railway, the Trans-Canada Highway. But they are the grand dreams of past centuries. For all the ways they connect Canada’s vast territory, the connective tissue of its future is largely yet to be […]

CanaData Speaker Bullish on Construction Growth

Construction stakeholders attending the recent CanadaData East conference in Toronto were alerted to growth possibilities for their sector emerging from several different global sources. Read more.

Infrastructure Ministers from Across Canada Convene to Discuss Future Bilateral Spending

Federal, provincial and territorial insfrastructure ministers gathered in Ottawa on Sept. 21 with federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities Amerjeet Sohi announcing afterwards that “productive discussions” had taken place on the next phase of infrastructure spending. Read more.

Ontario’s marijuana framework receives mixed reviews

Key players in the construction industry say one important element is still missing with the Ontario government’s recently released cannabis framework — giving employers the tools they need to maintain health and safety on the jobsite. Read more.

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