Metro Vancouver sewage could heat hundreds of buildings

Metro Vancouver hopes to significantly reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by using the region’s sewage to heat everything from hospitals to massive housing developments.  Read more

Conventional expansion joints could be a thing of the past in bridge construction

Expansion joints are a fact of life whether you’re building a rail line, a building facade or a bridge. Building materials expand in hot weather and contract when it turns cold. Highway bridges of any great length have expansion joints at each end. Drivers are usually aware of them because there’s often a small bump as you […]

Community benefits may not be beneficial to construction procurement

The social value of infrastructure is the infrastructure. Ken Gibson, executive director of the Alberta Construction Association, made that statement during an animated discussion pertaining to community benefits at the Industry Advocacy and Regulatory Affairs Committee meeting held recently during the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) 100th annual conference in Banff, Alta. Read more.

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