KickAss Careers aims to give the boot to the skilled trades gap

KickAss Careers is a school and community outreach program whose goal is to engage, educate and encourage young men and women to consider careers in the mechanical, industrial, technology, construction and advanced manufacturing industries. Read more

Respectful workplaces blog: Building a foundation of respect

A major study in the United States that surveyed a large sample of private-sector organizations found that allocating resources to “responsibility structures,” for example, diversity (respectful and inclusive workplace) plans, committees, and staff positions, is associated with significantly higher representation of people with different genders, backgrounds, and circumstances in management. Read more

National associations cautious about Trans Mountain decision

National industry stakeholders hold a common view on the federal government’s purchase of the Trans Mountain project from Kinder Morgan: it’s a good thing it happened but it should never happen again. Read more

New Champlain bridge corridor project receives ENVISION platinum award

The New Champlain Bridge Corridor Project has earned a prestigious EnvisionTM Platinum Award from the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure (ISI) for achieving the highest standards of sustainable development and environmental performance on an infrastructure project. This distinction is the first to be awarded in Quebec for infrastructure on the scale of the new Champlain Bridge, […]

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