Federal Budget lacks emphasis on infrastructure: stakeholders

National construction indsutry leaders agree there were few surprises in this year’s federal budget and little mention of infrastructure spending, however, many lauded the government initiatives to expand the skilled trades workforce. Read more.

CCA unveils new strategic plan, renewed vision.

Canadian Construction Association (CCA) chair Chris McNally says the association’s recently unveiled strategic plan will be more provocative and work harder to unite the industry. Read more.

Delayed Payment – Survey Results & Comparison

Late payment practices are an important issue for Nova Scotia’s construction industry and CANS has been lobbying the provincial government to enact appropriate payment legislation that would establish minimum norms for payment schedules. In an effort to substantiate our assumptions, CANS surveyed members in June 2015, December 2016, and again in February 2018 to solicit their […]

‘Superdense’ wood could revolutionize materials

A homebuilder once told me Canadians are “the greatest stick-builders in the world.” It’s a good line, and understandable coming from a homebuilder. After all, most Canadian homes are built primarily of wood. Wood is probably the oldest building material in the world unless you count rocks and sod. What’s most amazing to me, is that after thousands […]

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