CCA aids in CDAO push for study on poor quality, incomplete documents

An industry initiative is pushing for better documents before shovels hit the ground. The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) has decided to contribute $5,000 for a one-time contribution to the Construction and Design Alliance of Ontario’s (CDAO) initiative to quantify the impact of incomplete design documents. Read more.

Women are the “third wave” to bridge diversity gap

Women are the third wave of change sweeping over the construction industry. Here, Mabey Group CEO Juliette Stacey explores how the accelerating pace of transformation in the industry means that time has arrived for women to succeed in the sector. Read more.

Ontario’s updated Construction Act could set the bar for the rest of Canada to follow

The Ontario government’s new legislation to modernize and expand the Construction Lien Act — now to be known as the Construction Act (hinting at its broader mandate) — sets out to improve cash flow efficiency between owners, contractors and sub-contractors by both (a) setting timelines for the prompt payment of invoices and (b) speeding up […]

Federal Budget’s trickle of infrastructure money slower than hoped

The Liberals will delay billions in planned infrastructure funds until after Canadians go to the polls next year, this week’s budget shows, underlining slower-than-expected spending at a time when the government was under pressure to spend faster. Read more.

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