2018 Heart Heroes – Heart of Gold Champion, Jack Flemming

Heart of Gold Champion Award – Jack Flemming: The QEII Foundation, in partnership with the Maritime Heart Centre, hosted Heart Heroes on Thursday, May 3, 2018. This event honours individuals from the community who have made an impact on advancing cardiac and vascular care at the QEII Health Sciences Centre. Watch a video about Jack’s […]

Video documentary on Nova Scotia’s featured Gold Seal Project, The Big Lift

Halifax Harbour Bridges embarked on a significant and necessary project in early 2015: the replacement of the suspended spans of the Macdonald Bridge. The project, also known as The Big Lift, aims to extend the life of the bridge and reduce maintenance and is only the second time globally that the suspended spans of a […]

Business Motivations Study at University of Toronto – Survey

Dr. Laurel Besco, Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto, is seeking participants to complete a 10-minute survey* regarding business motivations and energy efficiency. Knowing what businesses like yours think will make a big difference in understanding how to make policies and regulations more straightforward and efficient. Your participation is essential to the success of […]

China’s built a road so smart it will be able to charge your car

The road to China’s autonomous-driving future is paved with solar panels, mapping sensors and electric-battery rechargers as the nation tests an “intelligent highway” that could speed the transformation of the global transportation industry. Read more.

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