Trump and Trudeau tariffs causing casualties on both sides of border

The Donald Trump administration’s bold move to impose tariffs on steel and aluminum imports from Canada, Mexico and the European Union (EU) has Canadian steel stakeholders gravely concerned, not only about how those tariffs will affect their business, but also the potential impact of the dollar-for-dollar counter measures put in place by Prime Minister Justin […]

New concrete formula for long-lasting roads, bridges

US researchers have developed an ultra high-performance concrete formula which is stronger and more durable than conventional versions and could lead to roads and bridges that last longer and are cost effective. Ultra high-performance concrete, or UHPC, has been on the market for a while under a small handful of brand names, said researchers from […]

Millennials and technology drive social responsibility trends

The movement of business from charitable giving to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has been part of the corporate landscape. However, in the last 10 years, there has been a move from businesses supporting good causes to initiating those causes themselves. This move from merely being philanthropic to a more action-oriented paradigm is happening in a […]

CDBI bulletin: Consultant certificate controversy: Are progress certificates binding?

It is a common misconception that once a consultant has certified work completed by a contractor, the owner is bound to that certification and will be required to pay the amount certified in a timely manner regardless of the circumstances. While the older case law predominantly supports this position, and while the general premise still […]

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