Suffolk: Algorithms prevent accidents and delays, up productivity by 20%

Suffolk Construction Co., after hiring a chief data officer and a team of data scientists last year, said it is developing artificial intelligence tools that can analyze photos from jobsites to identify risks and prevent worker injuries, according to MIT Technology Review. Read more

Carrots and beets used to strengthen concrete

Researchers at Britain’s Lancaster University are reporting that they’ve achieved even better results using less-expensive “nano platelets” derived from root vegetable fibers. Read more Slow pay adds $40B a year to construction industry costs

There are plenty of tools to expedite the payment process, and contract language can be modified to make it clear when payment is due, but those solutions work only if everyone is willing and able to pay. In those cases where payment is not forthcoming due to reasons other than not being able to navigate […]

CCDC-30: The new integrated project delivery contract takes design and construction collaboration and risk sharing to a new level

The Canadian Construction Documents Committee (CCDC) has introduced a new standard form contract for Integrated Project Delivery (IPD) – reflecting the current trend towards projects where design and construction are collaborative, with shared risk and opportunities for profit if things go right, and penalties and risk-limiting controls if they go wrong. Read more

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