What makes tradespeople the happiest workers in the country?

A recent report says tradespeople are among the happiest workers in the country. About one-thousand skilled trade workers took part in the survey. More than 60 per cent them said they believe they have “really accomplished something worthwhile” through their work — and their work gives them a “sense of success and achievement.” Jon Callegher […]

Canadian constructors lagging on data use: professor.

Canada’s construction sector is seriously lagging in exploiting social media analytics and mining other data sources to improve projects, a Buildings Show workshop audience was told recently. Read more.

Construction industry embraces unlikely source of growth: shifting work off the job site

With high-capacity gantry cranes overhead, 65,000 sq. ft. of well-lit floor space and products at various stages of completion strung out along a tidy assembly line, PCL Constructors Inc.’s Agile operation in the Toronto suburbs looks more like it’s run by a manufacturer than by one of the country’s largest construction contractors. Read more.

2018 a year of disruption and evolution for construction

Disruption? Evolution? Either of these two words could describe the changes in the construction industry landscape in 2018. Which word it actually is likely depends where one stakes their claim within the industry itself. Read more.  

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