Premier McNeil Commits to Introducing Prompt Payment for Spring session at NS Legislature

During his Annual State of the Province Address on February 6, 2019, Premier McNeil committed to introducing prompt payment for the Spring session at the Nova Scotia Watch the Premier’s remarks about prompt payment below.

eBay Retail Revival

eBay Retail Revival Halifax: Stay local. Sell global.  After a nationwide search, Halifax was selected based on the strength and diversity of its local retail community and the Halifax region’s robust support of small business. The application deadline to take part in this program is February 22, 2019. Read more

Environmentally-friendly bricks made from sewage-treatment byproduct

When sewage sludge is processed at wastewater treatment plants, the leftover “biosolid” material is generally dried and set aside. While some of it ends up being used as fertilizer, much is often just stockpiled or sent to a landfill. Soon, however, it could find its way into eco-friendly fired-clay building bricks. Read more.

Manitoba aims to empower and increase women in the trades

Manitoba is hoping to increase representation of women in the trades, aided by the launch a trades-focused Women’s Equality Week. “Women in Manitoba continue to be underrepresented in many areas of training including the trades,” said Sustainable Development Minister Rochelle Squires during an announcement at the Manitoba Institute of Trades and Technology (MITT). “We know that […]

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