CANS Developing Executives Committee – Call for Applications

CANS Developing Executives (D.E.) Committee is looking for a new member! Established in 2001, the CANS D.E. Committee provides a venue for new employees of CANS member companies to network and become more involved in the construction industry by hosting five to six annual networking events and initiatives.

CANS Industry Trend Session – Smarter Spaces Presents “Planning to Re-Open?”

Your doors are opened or opening to the public. Are you ready for physical distancing within your space? Here at Smarter Spaces we are aware of the challenges that businesses will face. Using our existing technologies to provide a “birds eye view” in conjunction with our Emergency Planning expertise, we are able to help you plan out your space. With a plan in place, we can help you maximize the number of people that can use your space safely.

Halifax Chamber of Commerce Offering Webinar on Wage Support Programs for Hiring Students

Join the conversation about how student wage subsidies can help you take your business to the next level for little or no cost.

Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) Enforcement Team Resumes Worksite Visits

A reminder that the NSAA’s Enforcement team has resumed worksite visits to support compliance with the Apprenticeship and Trades Qualifications Act.

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