Building Futures for Youth is Back in Action for Summer 2021!

Building Futures for Youth (BFY) is back in the virtual classroom and gearing up for another summer connecting youth with careers in construction. In preparation for this summer, we’ve redesigned our website to make it even easier to find information on the program, how to become a host employer, and for students to apply! Check out BFY’s new website at

WCB Nova Scotia’s Releases Q3 2020 Report to the Community

“In a typical year, seasonal work and an increase in some industries with an outdoor focus drive higher numbers of workplace injuries in the summer months. But Q3 2020 saw a lower than typical injury rate of 1.52, and only 1,280 time-loss claims, compared to the 1,500 claims WCB Nova Scotia would typically see over the same period.” Read more.

HRM Seeking Feedback on Halifax Complete Streets Guidelines Update

Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM) is asking for additional feedback on the “Part B – Standard Details” section of the updated Halifax Complete Streets Guidelines. Read more.

News – Nova Scotia adds $64.2 million to school construction, renovation projects

Nova Scotia is putting an additional $64.2 million into its five-year school capital plan. The updated 2020-2025 plan includes 23 new and ongoing school construction and renovation projects for a total value of $475.5 million. Read more.

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