COVID Update – NB Border Tightened – What You Need To Know

Due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases in New Brunswick, Nova Scotia is tightening border controls. In addition, a new self-isolation requirement for people coming to Nova Scotia from New Brunswick takes effect tomorrow, Jan. 9, at 8 a.m.

Meet Your CANS Team — Alison Clack

Did you know? Alison has been making and designing her own jewellery for more than 10 years!

CANSnet Project Preview: #NS20-2484 – Sydney Harbour Sewage Pump Upgrades

Visit CANSnet and search our Project Number NS20-2484 about the Sydney Harbour West Sewage Pump Station Upgrade.

Season’s greetings to all of our Members and Associates. We look forward to reconnecting in the New Year! CANS staff will be observing the holidays from Thursday, December 24 12 p.m, returning on Monday, January 4, 2021 at 8am.

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