NOTICE – CANS 2021 De-Icer Cancelled

We wanted to advise you that we have made the difficult decision to cancel the 2021 De-Icer. The safety of our members and event participants is of the utmost importance and an event with the scale of the De-Icer is just not possible at this time. We look forward to bringing you the same De-Icer you know and love in 2022.

NEWS — Federal wage and rent subsidies extended until June

March 3, 2021 — “The federal government will extend into June two pandemic support programs that subsidize wages and rent for businesses as the country continues to struggle with the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Headline reads Meet Your CANS Team. Colleen Fiske-Pinaud, Manager, Communications & Marketing. Start date: December 2014. Photo is a professional portrait of Colleen.

Meet Your CANS Team – Colleen Fiske-Pinaud

Did you know? Colleen was an extra in the movie “The Scarlett Letter” for three months in 1995!

image depicts a rendering of the upcoming Town of Wolfville's visitor information centre project

CANSnet Project Preview: NS21-0281 – Town of Wolfville – Visitor Information Centre

Visit CANSnet and search our Project Number NS21-0281 about the open tender for construction on a new visitor information centre in Wolfville, NS.

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