Notice — CANS Office Closing TODAY, May 5

OFFICE CLOSURE NOTICE: In light of the recent COVID-19 outbreak, CANS is taking proactive measures to reduce the spread of the virus. Out of an abundance of caution, CANS office will close TODAY, Wednesday, May 5, 2021, at 4:00 pm and remain closed until May 17, at which point we will re-evaluate.

News — May Updates from Canadian Construction Association (CCA)

Find highlights from CCA’s May Newsletter including a review of the federal budget and links to updated COVID-19 protocols on worksites.

Update — HRM’s New PPL&C Metric Measurements Requirements

HRM is moving to a new online permitting, planning, licensing and compliance solution (PPL&C solution). Read more about recent updates and a timeline for implementation.

COVID-19 Update for CANS Members – May 4, 2021

Today, May 4, the Rankin government announced more than $12 million in additional support for Nova Scotia businesses hit hard by the pandemic and facing province-wide restrictions. These announcements made today are for businesses that were required to close due to this third wave.  

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