Statistics — US Construction Spending Was Up 8.2% (June 2021 vs June 2020)
/in front/by Alison ClackFind more statistics on US Construction Spending from June 2021, including year to date, month over month, and year over year information.
Statistics — Construction Sector Payroll Employment up 8.7%, Jan-May 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackWith May reference month results, year-over-year (May 2021 vs May 2020) and year-to-date (Jan-May 21 vs Jan-May 20) are showing the rebounds in economic activity from the unprecedented declines observed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click to find highlights from the latest statistics released for Payroll, Employment and Earnings, May 2021.
News — Nova Scotia Construction Industry Calls on Government To Finalize Prompt Payment Regulation (Video)
/in front/by Alison Clack(Video) Global News speaks to Heather Cruickshanks (L.E. Cruickshanks Sheet Metal Ltd.) God Gamble (Iron Dog) and CANS President & CEO, Duncan Williams about the impact delayed payment has on the construction industry and the Nova Scotian economy.
Statistics — Construction sector activity down 2.3%, May 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackRead through the latest statistics released on Canada’s GDP by industry as of May 2021.