Reminder — Invitation to Black-led Businesses: Share Your Federal Procurement Experiences
/in front/by Alison ClackPublic Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) invites Canadian Black-owned or -led businesses to complete an online questionnaire to provide information about their businesses and their experiences with federal procurement.
CANSnet Preview – NS21-1410: Dartmouth North Community Centre Renovation
/in front/by Alison ClackIn Fall 2020, Dartmouth North Public Library began renovations to update and redesign the interior library space. There are no planned Rec Centre service interruptions during this renovation.
Statistics — Nova Scotia’s Unemployment Decreased 7.1%, July 2021
/in front/by Alison ClackLabour force survey results reflect the period from July 11 to 17. For comparison, Nova Scotia reopening plan moved to Phase 3 on June 30 and Phase 4 on July 14 (middle of reference week) with less stringent public health measures compared to June.
Notice – Bill C-208 and Changes to Family Business Succession
/in front/by Alison ClackBill C-208 provides for the intergenerational transfer of certain family businesses to receive the same tax treatment as businesses sold to a third party.