Have Your Say on Canada’s Infrastructure Plan
The Government of Canada is investing $120 billion over the next 10 years to build strong, inclusive and sustainable communities and they want to hear from you. Phase 1 is already underway, and now the Government of Canada is inviting you to share your views on Phase 2 of Canada’s infrastructure plan.
Visit infraconsults.ca to provide your feedback in five ways: eWorkbooks, discussion forums, photo and video submissions, written submissions, and community-led events.
The Government of Canada is particularly interested in your thoughts on four important themes:
- Community Infrastructure, which is about your needs and the infrastructure priorities in your community.
- Green Infrastructure, which is focused on Canada’s ongoing transition to a clean-growth economy.
- Public Transit Infrastructure, which is geared towards improving and expanding public transit systems in communities across Canada.
- Social Infrastructure, which is about building stronger communities through social infrastructure projects like affordable housing and cultural and recreational infrastructure