Gold Seal Designated Project: rcs construction | New Ronald McDonald House
Project Details
The new 40,000 sq. ft. Ronald McDonald House facility will be located on South Street in downtown Halifax across from the IWK Health Centre. It will have 36 bedrooms with the ability to accommodate 1,200 families a year, including private bathrooms for each family, suites for immunocompromised children, full wheelchair accessibility and spaces for family-centred care and programming. The new House will be a thirty-second walk from the IWK Health Centre—directly across from the emergency entrance. It will double the number of families the Ronald McDonald House team can support and it will better meet their needs in every way.
The new House will enable the team to:
- Eliminate their wait list for families
- Provide new and enriched programs tailored to their families’ needs
- Provide play areas and recreation rooms for children of all ages
- Offer a variety of indoor and outdoor spaces that promote positive health and well-being
- Ensure full wheelchair accessibility
- Support children with compromised immune systems
- Accommodate more families in a functional, versatile and sustainable setting
- Ensure spaces are adaptable to accommodate public health crises
Project Updates
July 2023 – Gold Seal banner presentation and site visit:
In July, CANS had the pleasure of presenting rcs construction with a Gold Seal Certification banner for the New Ronald McDonald House, a designated Gold Seal Project! Thanks for joining us, Andrew Doucet, P.GSC!
Once complete, the new facility will be be able to accommodate 1,200 families a year, including private bathrooms for each family, suites for immunocompromised children, full wheelchair accessibility and spaces for family-centred care and programming. Across Canada, Gold Seal Projects showcase the value of Gold Seal Certified professionals. These projects are a reflection of experience, competency and excellence in the management of a construction project, with a focus on the heavy construction/industrial, commercial, institutional and high-rise multi-family housing sectors.
CANS team members, Kaitlyn Bennett and Colleen Fiske, also had an opportunity to take a tour of the site, thanks to Brendan Nobes.
June 2023 – Interview with Andrew Doucet, rcs construction:
rcs construction has been recognized as a Gold Seal Employer of Choice, representing their commitment to excellence in the management of construction. Check out our interview with Andrew Doucet, Director of Construction, to learn more about what this designation means to their company. Read more here.
April 2023 – Project Update:
“The project is just in the mid-stage of form work and civil work. Construction is moving along well in these areas.
We are looking forward to starting some roofing and building envelope in a few months. We’re also working on the start of drilling the new geothermal wells. Mechanical rough-ins for underground are in great shape and things are going well on site, in general.
The entire project has an amazing group of people putting in a tremendous amount of effort into the success of this project. Special thanks to everyone.”
– Heidi Hubley, Project Manager, rcs construction

A photo of progress on the New Ronald McDonald House.

A photo of progress on the New Ronald McDonald House.

A photo of progress on the New Ronald McDonald House.

An aerial photo of progress on the New Ronald McDonald House.
June 2022 – Project Update:
A photo from the official ground breaking ceremony for the New Ronald McDonald House project.
From left to right:
- Chris Baldwin, Chief Financial Officer, rcs construction
- Andrew Doucet, Director of Construction, rcs construction
- Alison Cogdon, Director of Programs and Operations, Ronald McDonald House Canada
- Andrew McCullogh – Chair, Board of Directors, Ronald McDonald House Canada
- Lori Barker, Chief Executive Officer, Ronald McDonald House Canada
- Matthew Campbell, Vice-Chair, Board of Directors, Ronald McDonald House Canada
- Brendan Nobes, Director of Major Projects, rcs construction

People pose for a photo at the official ground breaking ceremony for the New Ronald McDonald House project.
Find out more about Gold Seal
Learn more about CCA’s Gold Seal Certification Program.
Curious about Gold Seal Projects?
To learn more about CANS Gold Seal Projects, contact:
Kerri Miller
Program Manager, Education & Training
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
T: 902-817-5214
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Get started on your path to Gold Seal certification. CANS Education & Training Development course calendar is almost entirely Gold Seal accredited. Take a look at our upcoming courses. Contact Kerri Miller to create your custom Gold Seal training plan.
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