COVID-19: Minister Announces Temporary Ban on Commercial Evictions

On March 27, 20202, the Minister of Municipal Affairs released direction, concerning the protection of property and a province-wide ban on evictions.

Effective as of 6:00 am on March 31, 2020, all retail and other commercial landlords are prohibited from exercising the remedies of notice to quit or distress available under a commercial lease, commercial agreement, the Tenancy and Distress for Rent Act, or otherwise for rent due on or after March 22, 2020, from a retail or commercial tenant who has been required to close their business or their business has been substantially and directly restricted under the requirements of a Medical Officer’s order issued under the Health Protection Act

Read the full direction issued under the Emergency Management Act here.

COVID-19: Interprovincial Work – How Does PEI’s Public Health Order Impact You?

On March 21, 2020, PEI issues a Public Health Order that may impact the operations of some of our members doing interprovincial work. Some relevant information has been included below, but it is not meant to be an exhaustive list. To read the full Public Health order, please click here.

  • Construction workers coming into PEI should be coming in for essential construction projects only. (These workers are considered exempt from self-isolation requirements),
  • However, when not at work, they must follow the self-isolation protocol,
  • It is important that those workers self-monitor for symptoms such as a new cough, fever and difficulty breathing,
  • The project foreman should also be reviewing their employee illness protocols and enhancing the cleaning and disinfection of frequently touched surfaces around the construction site and workplace vehicles. 

Regardless of exemptions, while some construction projects are considered essential, the advice shared around the country is to practice social distancing, proper hygiene and frequent handwashing, no matter who you are or where you live. Work should only continue while it is safe and reasonable to do so.

COVID-19: HRM Payment Dropbox Location

Are you a developer looking to make payment for HRM permits via cheque? HRM has a designated dropbox located at the Bayers Road Centre (7071 Bayers Road), Halifax for your payment.

Click here to see the dropbox location.

COVID-19: EI and ROE – Key Updates for Businesses and Individuals

Please note: All in-person Service Canada Centres are closed to the public. Service Canada call centres are open and agents are available to assist with critical services. Call volumes are expected to be high for the foreseeable future. Please visit for information. If you have difficulty getting through, please try again later.

EI Updates (For Individuals) —

The online EI application (Appliweb) has been updated to include additional reasons that individuals can choose from for separation options. The following changes have been made in response to the question “Why are you no longer working?”

  • Shortage of work option:  Now indicates “includes closure due to COVID-19” in the explanation.
  • Sick Leave option:  Now includes “quarantine” in the explanation.

Need more help? Clients can call the 1-800 for urgent requests or submit a request via their online channel (

ROE Updates (For Employers) —

If your employees are directly affected by the coronavirus (COVID-19) and they are no longer working, you must issue a Record of Employment (ROE). These are one of the key pieces of information needed for the automated claims processing system. Without this from the employer, it will delay individuals’ claims.

  • When completing ROE for those off-work due to COVID-19, please use the following codes, (in relation to Box 16 – Reason for Separation)
    • When the Employee is sick or quarantined: Code D (illness or Injury)
    • When the Employee stops working due to shortage of work or shutdown due to COVID-19: Code A (Shortage of Work)
    • When the Employee is not sick or quarantined but not working due to other reasons related to COVID-19: Code E (Quit) or Code N (Leave of Absence)
  • IMPORTANT: add comments only when required. Doing so causes the ROE to be pulled from the automatic processing queue for manual review. 

Need more help? Contact Service Canada’s Employer Contact Centre (

For more information about Service Canada updates related to COVID-19, please click here.

COVID-19: A round-up of government supports for business from the Halifax Chamber of Commerce

The Halifax Chamber of Commerce issued the following round-up of supports, from municipal, provincial and federal governments as of March 26, 2020. Follow the link below to find out more information about Rent Deferral, Emergency Leave and Worker’s Compensation.

Read through the round-up of Supports for Businesses by Government.

COVID-19: PM Announces Financial Support for Small Businesses

The Prime Minister’s Office announced new support for small businesses affected by COVID-19. Some of these include, but are not limited to:

  • Increasing the wage subsidy from 10% to 75%,
  • Allowing businesses, including self-employed, to defer all GST and HST payments until June,
  • Launching the new Canada Emergency Benefit Account,
  • Launching the new Small and Medium-sized Enterprise Load and Guarantee Program. 

Click here to read the full release from the Prime Minister’s Office.

COVID-19: Nova Scotia Now Has 90 Cases

The following information is from the most recent update provided by the Government of Nova Scotia.

March 27, 2020    1:45 PM

As of today, March 27, Nova Scotia has 90 confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Seventeen new cases were identified Thursday, March 26. Most are connected to travel or a known case. At this point, public health cannot confirm a link to community spread.

The 90 individuals affected range in age from under ten to mid-70’s. Two individuals are currently in hospital. Three individuals have recovered and their cases of COVID-19 are considered resolved. Cases have been identified in all parts of the province.

Click here to read the full release from the Province.

Premier Stephen McNeil and chief medical officer of health Dr. Robert Strang also provided an update today at about 3 p.m. A recording of the news conference is available on the NS Gov Youtube page:

To date, Nova Scotia has 3,649 negative test results and 90 confirmed cases.

COVID-19 FAQs: Your Construction Questions Answered

Please find linked below a response provided by Duff Montgomery, Deputy Minister, LAE addressing clarifications sought by CANS on our members’ behalf. These responses were developed in collaboration with TIR, Department of Health and Communications NS.

Click HERE to access the answers to your FAQs. 

As is noted, this is a rapidly evolving situation and they are subject to change, but we highly recommend acting accordingly.

COVID-19: Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB): what you need to know

The federal government has streamlined the COVID-19 emergency benefits program designed to assist Canadians and businesses. The CERB is part of a suite of measures in new legislation introducing a $107-billion emergency response program, which was passed by the Senate on Wednesday, March 25, 2020.

  • The Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) offers income support for up to 16 weeks to those who lose pay because of the pandemic.
  • It’s available to wage earners, contract workers and self-employed people who don’t qualify for employment insurance (EI).
  • The online portal to apply for CERB will be available in early April, and people can expect payments within 10 days. CERB payments will be issued every four weeks and will be available from March 15, 2020, to Oct. 3, 2020. 
  • This benefit replaces the previously announced Emergency Care Benefit and the Emergency Support Benefit.

Find out more about CERB and government support for Canadians.

COVID-19: Clarifications on exemptions to COVID-19 measures for the construction industry

To further clarify the construction industry’s exemptions under special measures in the Health Protection Order, the government has stated that:

·      Construction sites will be permitted to have more than 5 individuals working at a time,

·      The 14-day self-isolation for individuals crossing the provincial border will not apply to construction workers or trades.

Please note that officers at the border will provide individuals that are essential with a chit. This paper can be displayed on your dash so that you can bypass lineups at the border.