COVID-19: CFIB national survey results from ‘Your Business and COVID-19’

The Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB)released its fourth update on its national online survey.  Launched on April 3, the survey now has 10,550 responses. 

  • The average cost of COVID-19 on small business so far is $214,915.
  • Results indicated that 65% of small businesses nationally pay rent. At 19%, Nova Scotia had more businesses with signed agreements with their landlord than in any other province. 
  • The provincial Rent Deferral Guarantee program received significant participation. As of the April 5 deadline, 379 landlords have registered, representing 1157 tenants. In total, $10,715,698 in rent has been deferred. 
  • Respondents to the CFIB survey were also asked how their provincial government was doing in providing support — Nova Scotia rated as tied for second in providing support for small business.  

Click here to access the latest CFIB survey results from “Your Business and COVID-19”.

COVID-19: The impact of COVID-19 on the Canadian Labour Market

In March 2020, measures to contain the COVID-19 virus caused sudden, unprecedented interruptions in business across Canada. Within a couple of weeks of the outbreak in Canada, more than 3 million Canadians were affected by either job loss or reduced hours.

Learn more about the virus’s impact on the labour market from Statistics Canada.

COVID-19: Province updates requirements for COVID-19 testing

As of April 8, 2020, travel has been removed as a requirement for testing for COVID-19. The list of symptoms being screened for has also expanded. If you have two or more of the following symptoms, visit to determine if you should call 811 for further assessment:

  • fever
  • new or worsening cough
  • sore throat 
  • runny nose 
  • headache

COVID-19: Nova Scotia Securities Commission launches COVID-19 Investing Information webpage

The Nova Scotia Securities Commission has launched a new webpage and online video to provide COVID-19 investing information to the public. Read the full release from the Province detailing this new resource.

Visit Nova Scotia Securities Commission’s page for COVID-19 Investing Information.

COVID-19: NS announces second COVID-19 related death

Nova Scotia has recorded its second death related to COVID-19. On Wednesday, April 8, a woman in her 90s with underlying medical conditions died in the Cape Breton Regional Hospital as a result of complications related to COVID-19. Read the full statement released by the Government of Nova Scotia on April 9, 2020

A reminder, recordings of the Province’s news conferences are available shortly after they conclude on their official Youtube page.

COVID-19: GOC relaxes eligibility requirements for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy

The federal government announced on April 8, 2020, relaxed eligibility requirements for the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy, as well as new measures to help students make money this summer during the coronavirus pandemic.

Key changes:

  • The threshold for CEWS has been lowered to 15 per cent.
  • If you have hired a student under the Canada Summer Jobs program for this summer, the federal government will now pay 100% of that student’s wages.
  • Businesses can use January and February benchmarks to qualify.

Read the full address from the Prime Minister here.

COVID-19: LAE – Conciliation and Mediation Services (CMS) shares COVID-19 Operation Protocols

Conciliation and Mediation Services (CMS) continues to carefully monitor the public health advice regarding the coronavirus (COVID-19) public health risk. At present, CMS is operating remotely in alignment with the Province’s advice and our community responsibility to practice social distancing to help reduce the spread of COVID-19.

For details of CMS COVID-19 protocols, click here.

COVID-19: NSAA – Tips for trades workers during COVID-19

Are you still working throughout the COVID-19 pandemic? First and foremost, it is essential that those working must adhere to public health advisories. For further advice, the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency has issued tips to trades workers for staying safe while at work.

Click here to access Tips For Staying Safe While Working At Your Trade.

COVID-19: Portal Pending – Worker Emergency Bridge Fund and Small Business Impact Grant

An application portal for these two provincial support programs will be available by Friday, April 10, 2020.  All funds will be dispersed by the end of April. For more information and to access the portal when it’s ready, click here:

COVID-19: Fact sheet from the province – working during COVID-19

Employers and employees need to take steps to help staff and clients stay healthy and prevent spread of COVID-19. You should also know what to do if you have safety concerns. To that end, the province has created a helpful fact sheet on “working during COVID-19”

Click here to access the “Working During COVID-19” fact sheet.

Wondering what happens if an employee has a positive COVID-19 test? Click for more information on the Province’s process for positive tests and information for COVID-19 in the workplace.