COVID-19: Electronic Submission Information for TIR Building Project Services

On April 17, Transportation and Infrastructure Renewal (TIR) announced adaptations to submission standards in light of the ongoing pandemic.

To assist consultants and contractors, processes such as Requests for Proposals and Construction tendering are being transitioned to an electronic system utilizing theProvince’s e-bidding system, Ariba Discovery. Read more information from the Province on Statutory Declarations, Safety Certifications, and Electronic Bid Bonds, click here.

TIR Stakeholder Update: April 17, 2020 —

TIR also issued an FAQ document in their Stakeholder Newsletter that addressed some of the more pressing COVID-19 related questions TIR are fielding. Please click here to access the FAQs distributed by the Province

COVID-19: Updates to Traffic Control Person and Temporary Workplace Signer Certifications

On April 1, the Province enacted a number of updates relating to Traffic Control Person (TCP) and Temporary Workplace Signer (TWS) certifications and training. Click here to read a letter from the Province outlining the changes.

COVID-19: NSAA Response to COVID-19

COVID-19: Eligibility requirements widened for CERB

The federal government announced changes on April 15, 2020, to the Canada Emergency Response Benefit (CERB) that will allow more Canadians to benefit from the program. The changes permit for applicants to earn up to $1000 a month while collecting the CERB (the criteria previously required $0 income to be eligible)

These changes are retroactive to March 15, 2020Get more information about who is eligible for this benefit.

COVID-19: WCB Clearance Letters now available in MyAccount

Throughout the pandemic, the provincial government has announced several initiatives to address cash flow and access to credit for small and medium-sized businesses in Nova Scotia. View an overview of these supports here.

The Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) continued its work on the digital clearance process throughout the pandemic and is pleased to share that clearance is now available in MyAccount, their online services portal.

Learn more about services available from MyAccount, visit

COVID-19: NS projections show COVID-19 progress through to June

The Government of Nova Scotia released COVID-19 projections this week that show how COVID-19 could progress through the province through to June 30 if people continue to follow public health orders to stay home, social distance, limit essential gatherings to no more than five people and practise good hygiene. Read the full release from the Province on April 14, 2020.

Click here to view the statistical modelling details.

COVID-19: Provincial supports for Small Businesses

The provincial government has announced several initiatives to address cash flow and access to credit for small and medium sized businesses in Nova Scotia:

  • The Small Business Impact Grant provides a one-time grant equal to 15% of revenue from sales, either from April 2019 or February 2020, up to a maximum of $5,000 to eligible small businesses, non-profits, charities and social enterprises who have had to close or greatly reduce operations because of the public health order. 
  • The COVID-19 Rent Deferral Support Program will indemnify qualified landlords for losses incurred as a result of granting a rent deferral to qualified businesses directly impacted by the Health Protection Act orders related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Payment deferrals until June 30 on all government loans, including those under the Farm Loan Board, Fisheries and Aquaculture Loan Board, Jobs Fund, Nova Scotia Business Fund, Municipal Finance Corp. and Housing Nova Scotia. 
  • Fees, including business renewal fees and workers compensation premiums, will be deferred.  A list of applicable fees will be posted online.
  • Changes to the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program, administered through 15 provincial Credit Unions, include deferring principal and interest payments until June 30.  
  • Other changes to the Small Business Loan Guarantee Program include enhancing the program to make it easier for businesses to access credit up to $500,000.  Other changes to this program will be announced soon.  

For more information click here.

COVID-19: Province releases COVID-19 projections for coming months

The government released COVID-19 projections that show how COVID-19 could progress through the province through to June 30 if people continue to follow public health orders to stay home, social distance, limit essential gatherings to no more than five people and practise good hygiene. Read the full release from the Province on April 14, 2020.

Click here to view the statistical modelling details.