The following answer was provided to CANS by the province on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, to provide clarity around physical distancing requirements outlined in Section 11 of the Health Protection Order.
Q: There has been some confusion for those involved in construction activities that may also be work for municipal units in maintaining critical infrastructure (as referenced in Section 11 of the Medical Officer of Health Order). Are there different requirements for physical distancing under the Medical Officer of Health Orders For contractors working with municipalities to support critical infrastructure and when they are not?
A: Section 11 exemption is intended to recognize that there may be times when the work to maintain critical municipal infrastructure will require multiple people in a limited space to complete the work. the exemption for the 5-person rule and the 2-metre physical distancing was to allow this work to proceed as safely as possible. Despite the exemption, it is expected that contractors should still take a critical look at how the work is being conducted and look to incorporate measures to protect workers from potential spread of COVID-19 and practice physical distancing as best they can. Workers should self-monitor for COVID-19 symptoms and should stay home if ill.