Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency – Atlantic Trades Harmonization

The Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency (NSAA) has been actively involved in the national and Atlantic trades harmonization initiatives.  We have created a “Harmonization Update” report that is available on the NSAA website under “What’s New”.  It is listed as, “Harmonization: Nova Scotia Advances Apprentice Mobility”.   Read the Report.  Learn more.

The Update provides information on:
•             The Provincial-Territorial Apprentice Mobility Protocol
•             The National (CCDA) Harmonization Initiative
•             The Atlantic (AAHP) Harmonization Initiative
•             5 areas Nova Scotia needs to make changes to the General Regulations, and
•             A brief on current actions and future milestones

There is an opportunity to provide feedback – the submission deadline is January 31, 2016.

The Future of Architecture: Moss, Not Mirrors

Instead of developing surfaces resistant to moss and lichen, the BiotA lab wants to build facades that are “bioreceptive.” Read more

CCA Article: Investment in Canada’s Infrastructure Has Not Kept Pace with National Needs – It Must!

For over 20 years the Canadian Construction Association in collaboration and partnership with many other regional and national stakeholders has been pursuing changes in federal public policy to help modernize Canadian’s aging infrastructure. Why? Because it is imperative that the general public become educated about the state of Canada’s deteriorating infrastructure and its impact on our economy and by extension our collective quality of life. Read more 


New location: Glen Arbour Golf Course and The Links at Brunello
Date: June 16, 2016
Sponsorship Opportunities Available! Contact Britney for more information: or 902-499-2939

Halifax firm injects CO2 into concrete and reduces carbon footprint

New concrete, developed in Nova Scotia, is stronger and faster-setting than regular concrete. The concrete is injected with carbon dioxide, an ingredient that makes a stronger, faster-setting product with a lower carbon footprint, according to its developer CarbonCure Technologies, based in Burnside, N.S. Read more

Former construction exec sentenced to 38-month prison term on fraud charges

Prosecutors said the former CFO of St.Louis-based PARIC Construction used the company’s American Express card to charge personal expenses, and then doctored the reports to cover it up. Read more

Autodesk partners with Microsoft on ‘mixed reality’ project, unveils new BIM doc management service

The software company’s most recent advancements reaffirm the movement toward a more technologically advanced construction industry. Read more

Amazing Machine ‘Prints’ Brick Roads

Part printer, part pasta press, these remarkable machines spit out a perfectly uniform sheets of bricks to make walkways up to 20 feet wide. Read more

Robotically Fabricated Building in Rotterdam

Studio RAP completes first robotically fabricated building in the Netherlands. See video

How Do you Spot a Crack in a Vast Bridge?

Visually inspecting big structures such as bridges and dams is a laborious business, which is why Italian researchers are turning to sensors and drones for a solution. Read more