As of July 1, 2017, eligible CANS members will automatically receive a discount of 50% on our award winning Industry Education and Training Program. Not only does this save you money, this initiative will help you stretch your training budget further – ultimately strengthening your team and ability to compete in an increasingly competitive market.
For example, CANS Construction 101 Course:
– 2017-2018 Course Catalogue Member Price: $475.00
– NEW WIPSI Eligible Member Price: $237.50 (savings of 50%)
This is made possible through our strong partnership with the Province of Nova Scotia’s Department of Labour and Advanced Education WIPSI program.
Our catalogue of courses can be viewed at Industry Education and Training. If you need private or customized training, we can work with you to build a program that specifically meets your firm’s needs.
Finding the time, support and money for training is not easy. But, research has shown a lack of commitment to ongoing training can have catastrophic results for business, large and small. Here is an interesting article form Forbes Magazine recommended to help you answer those tough questions Why Employee Development Is Important, Neglected And Can Cost You Talent
To determine if your company is eligible please fill out this form and return to either CANS’ contact below.
For more information contact:
Chantal Arsenault, Industry Education and Training Lead
(902) 817-6246
Alain Lefebvre, Manager – Industry & Corporate Education
(902) 456-6444