Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency is currently recruiting for Atlantic Trade Advisory Committee members

The Apprenticeship Board of the Nova Scotia Apprenticeship Agency looks for employers and employees who are knowledgeable about the trades, who understand the labour market and who can commit to attending a number of meetings over a one to two year period. Expenses are reimbursed and members are compensated for meetings attended. Read more.

How the Construction Industry Is Using IoT and Sensor Technology

The internet of things and sensor-based technology can be used to create huge advantages on construction sites related to worker safety, cost reduction and predictive maintenance. This technology collects massive amounts of data and can provide different types of analysis: descriptive, relaying the current conditions of a specific piece of equipment or environment; predictive, to forecast the occurrence of potential malfunctions or safety risks; and prescriptive, to provide ways to optimize the workflow and avoid delays and errors. Read more.

Technology Can Help Close Performance Gap

The skilled labor shortage is a well-documented epidemic. As baby boomers continue to reach retirement age and the younger generations enter the workforce in stronger numbers, companies must take steps to understand how best to recruit and retain these workers — and technology can help with that. Read more.

‘You Got This’ Campaign Encourages Women Pursuing Careers in Trades

Women Building Futures (WBF) wants females to consider careers in the trades and it’s helping by training and matching them with jobs in the field.

Focus on CSR: Practical Advice for Sole Operators

Even for a sole operator, there are many things you can do to start your CSR journey:

  • Make and communicate a CSR commitment statement
  • Volunteer in your community
  • Make donations
  • Mentor a young person
  • Hire summer students or apprentices
  • Buy green and local products
  • Buy only as much as you need
  • Share equipment with others rather than buy
  • Recycle and compost
  • No vehicle idling
  • Reduce energy use
  • Inform your suppliers that you value green solutions

Industry Gaps addressed during the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships conference panel

The diversity gap, the challenge of training job-ready graduates and the need for more innovation in the infrastructure industry were three main topics discussed by panellists during the We Can Do Better: Staying on Top session at the Canadian Council for Public-Private Partnerships conference in Toronto recently. Read more.

CANS has concerns regarding Builders’ Lien Act compliance

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) is concerned that contractors and buyers of construction are still not compliant with the new regulations of the Builders’ Lien Act even though the province proclaimed all three industry-recommended amendments effective in June. Read more.

What Does Design-Build Bring to a Project?

The Canadian Construction Association interviewed some people closely related to the 2017 CDBI Award of Excellence winning projects for their views on the benefits of design-build.

Transparent Solar Cells Like This Could Deliver 40% of America’s Power

Solar energy is off the charts. Not only is uptake skyrocketing, but solar is now the cheapest form of new energy in dozens of countries, with record-setting solar farms being built all around the world. One even looks like a giant pandaRead more.

The Impact Made by Artificial Intelligence on the Construction Industry

Opportunities are endless with the introduction of artificial intelligence to the construction industry, from the design to the actual build. Artificial intelligence is where machines exhibit their own intelligence through using algorithms to solve problems using inputted data. By harnessing robotics, construction managers can utilise intelligent machines that can perform routine tasks that were once completed by humans, such as bricklaying. Alternatively, AI systems can collate and organise information for engineers to use within project planning and design implementation. Read more.