Special Pricing for CANS: CCHF Conference, October 24 & 25


CCHF Offering Special
Pricing to CANS Members


Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF) is pleased to present Improving the HealthCare Build in Halifax, NS, October 24 – 25, 2019.

Get perspectives from Chief Project Officers and expert advisors from across Canada on managing complex projects and advances in clinical design integration. You will learn about two upcoming projects in Nova Scotia: QEII’s New Generation Project and Cape Breton’s Regional Municipal Redevelopment Project. There will be a Networking Reception and Tours of innovative spaces including, the Assisted Daily Living Suite and Northwood’s Long-Term Care.

Join Us to Connect – Share – Innovate!

Visit www.cchf.net  to register now!


CANS Members get a special discount of 20% off the conference registration with the following registration code applied:



This very special eastern seaboard session aims to share both project information as well as key learning in improving care environments through the build drawing on expertise from across the country and highlighting new builds and upcoming projects.

In addition, the conference includes guided tours by clinical and facilities leads on innovative new areas that promote wellness and research to foster care from hospital to facilitating activities of daily living care and specialized equipment for leading edge brain research.

Visit www.cchf.net  for more information.


Canadian Centre for Healthcare Facilities (CCHF) is a national, not-for-profit association. CCHF’s goal is to help the healthcare facility sector achieve higher quality, more patient-focused and lower-cost healthcare environments.

Want to sell to government? Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority & Nova Scotia Procurement offering free seminar!


The Supplier Engagement Team is happy to offer a FREE seminar for all Contractors and Suppliers interested in selling to government.


Hosts: Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority & Nova Scotia Procurement
Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Location: Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS), 134 Eileen Stubbs Ave. Unit 103, Dartmouth, NS
Time: 9:30 to 10:30


Learn how to Sell to the Metropolitan Regional Housing Authority & to the Province of Nova Scotia.

All Contractors new to bidding or those looking to learn more about the public sector and its specific tendering processes are welcome.

In this session you will learn:

  • Where to find opportunities
  • What type of opportunities exists in Metro Housing Authority (Supply of goods, Various services, Construction)
  • About the tender opportunity notification service (TONS)
  • Tender procedures and processes

Additionally, there will be an opportunity for contractors to provide feedback about their experiences with our current contracting processes and practices.



For questions related to the session listed above, please contact Beth Hartling at Beth.Hartling@novascotia.ca 

For more information on Provincial Procurement please visit our website:

Thank YOU for Making Our 2019 Annual General Meeting a Success!





Attendees are encouraged to provide their feedback on CANS 157th AGM by clicking
HERE and completing the delegate feedback survey.


The Construction Association of Nova Scotia’s 2019 Annual General Meeting, held on October 4-6, 2019 at the Oak Island Resort & Conference Centre in Western Shore, NS was a big success!

Guests kicked off the weekend with two activities: a Golf Tournament held at The Chester Golf Course and an excursion to explore Mahone Bay followed by a tour of Saltbox Brewery with lunch catered by Circa 1860 Kitchen. At the golf tournament, first place went to Shane Sinclair, Dylan Smith, Stephen Gray and Brad Payne, and second place went to Vince Moseley, Doug Brophy, Jeremy Stewart and Michael Crossley.


At Saturday’s business sessions delegates heard from Canadian Construction Association’s Chair John Bockstael and Liam Daly, Manager of Public Affairs at CCA, who presented on the past year’s events and highlighted the Strategic Plan, CCA2023. Delegates also heard from CANS Committee Chairs about the progress that CANS has made over the past twelve months, and looked toward the future with a session to kick off the creation of the next CANS Strategic Plan.

Saturday’s Awards Luncheon recognized David Wilson’s contributions to the construction industry, as the recipient of the 2019 Honourary Life Membership Award. Through the designation of Honourary Life Membership, the Construction Association of Nova Scotia honours individuals who, through their deeds and actions, have significantly contributed to the betterment of the Association, the industry, and attainment of CANS’ goals and visions.

Long-term Member Awards were also presented to member companies that have held membership with the Association for 50 years or more. The following companies received their award at the AGM: Englobe Corp., Gallagher Canada Limited, South Shore Ready Mix Limited and Truefoam Limited. The Long-term Member Award honours companies who have shown their dedication, support, and commitment to the Association throughout the years and is an achievement to be proud of.

CANS also congratulated those members who have achieved 25 years of continuous membership by presenting them with a Bowman Award.  G.J. Cahill & Co. (1979) Ltd., The Guarantee Company of North America and Wickwire Holm accepted their Bowman Awards at the AGM this year.

Delegates danced the night away in their Hawaiian shirts, leis and grass skirts, all ready for the Best Dressed Awards, to the musical talents of Big Fish at Saturday evening’s Hawaiian Luau!



Attendees: If you attended the 157th AGM, we would love to hear from you! Please submit feedback here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/AGM19Delegate

Sponsors: If you sponsored the 157th AGM, keep your eye out for the sponsor feedback survey from Natalie!



CANS 158th Annual General Meeting

When: October 2-4, 2020
Where: Digby Pines Golf Resort & Spa in Digby, Nova Scotia
Theme: The Great Gatsby (Jazz, flappers, glitz, glamour, champagne and decadence)

Register NOW! Click here to register for next year’s AGM, today! 
Sponsor NOW! Contact Natalie at 902.210.1720 or nbobbitt@cans.ns.ca!



CANS congratulates those members who have achieved 50 years of continuous membership by presenting them with a Long-term Award.

  • Englobe Corp.
  • Gallagher Canada Limited
  • South Shore Ready Mix Limited
  • Truefoam Limited
  • V.J. Rice Concrete Ltd.



CANS congratulates those members who have achieved 25 years of continuous membership by presenting them with a Bowman Award.

  • Able Electric 2016 Limited
  • Advanced Energy Management Ltd.
  • Asbestos Abatement Ltd.
  • Atlantic Explosives Ltd.
  • Blaine F. MacLane Excavation Ltd.
  • Fundy Electric Limited
  • G.J. Cahill & Co. (1979) Ltd
  • John Morrison Contracting Ltd.
  • R.D.L. Construction Limited
  • Sansom Equipment Ltd.
  • Techno Hard Surfaces Limited
  • The Guarantee Company of North America
  • MacPhail Construction Ltd.
  • Waller Agencies Limited
  • Wickwire Holm



Level                                                    Company

Title Sponsor                                        MARSH

App Sponsor                                         Lindsay Construction

Diamond Sponsor                                 Kent Building Supplies

Platinum Plus                                        TD Banking

VIP Sponsor                                          NSCC Foundation

Print Sponsor                                        Halcraft Printers

Platinum                                               AON Construction Services Group

Platinum                                               Conrad Bros Ltd.

Platinum                                               Nova Scotia Power

Gold                                                     AW Leil Cranes & Equipment

Gold                                                     Bird Stairs

Gold                                                     Black & McDonald

Gold                                                     BOYNECLARKE LLP

Gold                                                     Department of Labour and Advanced Education

Gold                                                     dexel

Gold                                                     Dexter Construction

Gold                                                     Iron Dog Inc.

Gold                                                     PCL Constructors Canada Inc.

Gold                                                     Pomerleau Inc.

Gold                                                     Procore Technologies

Gold                                                     SANCTON

Gold                                                     Scientext Technical Writing Ltd.

Gold                                                     Stanhope Simpson Insurance

Gold                                                     Steinhart

Gold                                                     Travelers Canada

Silver                                                    Arrow Construction Products

Silver                                                    Atlantica Contractors

Silver                                                    Battlefield Equipment Rentals

Silver                                                    BELFOR

Silver                                                    Big Bang Promotional

Silver                                                    Bird Construction

Silver                                                    CBCL Limited

Silver                                                    DORA Construction

Silver                                                    Eastern Fence

Silver                                                    Heritage Gas

Silver                                                    Kent Mobile Shelters

Silver                                                    L.E. Cruickshanks Sheet Metal Ltd.

Silver                                                    MacGregors Industrial Group

Silver                                                    Marco Group

Silver                                                    Marid Industries

Silver                                                    Meridia Recruitment Solutions

Silver                                                    Merit Nova Scotia

Silver                                                    Ocean Contractors Limited

Silver                                                    RKO Steel Ltd.

Silver                                                    The Guarantee Company of North America

Silver                                                    The Shaw Group

Silver                                                    Tirecraft

Silver                                                    Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company

Silver                                                    WCB Nova Scotia

Water Sponsor                                      Rogers Communications Canada

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 CANS Group Health and Wellness

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 MacFarlands Industrial

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 MCT Insurance a division of BrokerLink

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 NationTek

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 Schooley Mitchell

Golf Hole Sponsor                                 Steinhart Distillery



Want to see what you missed out on at CANS 157th AGM? Catch up on all of our CANS Events on Flickr



Please email Alison Clack, Marketing & Communications Lead

CANS Welcomes 2019-2020 Board of Directors


CANS 157 Annual General Meeting was held at Oak Island Resort and Conference Centre from October 4-6, 2019. In addition to celebrating our organization’s successes over the past year, CANS welcomed its new Board of Directors and bid farewell to the board members from the previous year who’ve retired.

Please join us in welcoming CANS 2019-2020 Board of Directors:

Tim Houtsma, Marid Industries Ltd. — Chair of the Board

Tom Skinner, RKO Steel Limited — Immediate Past Chair of the Board, Treasurer

Victoria Stanhope, Stanhope Simpson Insurance Ltd. — Vice-Chair of the Board

Chad Wiesner, Lindsay Construction

Matt Sancton, Sancton Group Inc.

Rene Cox, Bird Construction Group

David Wood, Municipal Contracting Ltd.

David MacGregor, MacGregors Industrial Group

Heather Cruickshanks, L.E. Cruickshanks Sheet Metal

Charles Savoie, Black & McDonald Ltd.

Allan MacIntosh, MARCO Group

Gordon Shupe, Coastal Entrance Solutions

Gordon Gamble, Iron Dog Inc.

Jon Mullin, Grey Cardinal Management Inc.

Mark Isbister, Pomerleau Inc.

Mike Clements, Ocean Contractors  Limited

Allison Coffin, Heritage Gas Limited

Elizabeth Smith, CBRE Limited

Gerard Jessome, Transporation and Infrastructure Renewal

Duncan Williams, President & CEO, Ex-Officio

Sheryl Farrington, Secretary to the Board


We would also like to recognize a retiring member, Devin Hartnell, Lindsay Construction, for his dedicated service on the board. Devin has been a member of CANS Board of Directors since 2015-2016. We appreciate the time and wisdom you contributed to the board over these years. Thank you for your service!

CCA News // Board unanimously approves new governance structure


Historic decision: CCA Board and members unanimously approve modern governance structure

The Canadian Construction Association (CCA) has achieved a significant milestone in keeping with our promise in the 2018 – 2023 strategic plan to modernize the association. The new structure, enabled by updated by-laws in keeping with the Canada Not-for-profit Corporations Act, will include a smaller governance board of up to 20 members, supported by two new board committees (Audit/Finance and Nominations/Governance), as well as five National Advisory Councils (Civil; General Contractors; Manufacturers, Services and Suppliers; Local Construction Associations; and Trade Contractors). The new board will strengthen the voice of our association partners in at least two ways: two chief operating officers (COOs) will be nominated to the board and an LCA council has been created with a formal link to the Board. Read more about this decision on CCA’s website.

Industry News // Statistics Canada releases methodology for estimating changes to North American trade patterns



Study: Estimating the effect of changing Canada/United States border costs on North American trade patterns and expenditures – detailed methodology


Statistics Canada recently completed a report on the methods used for estimating the effect of changing Canada-US border costs on North American trade. This paper is a follow-up to a previous report that provided detailed results of the study. The paper discusses in greater detail how Statistics Canada used its Surface Transportation File (STF), United States (US) domestic trade data, and a gravity trade model framework to study trade flows among 201 Canadian and United States regions for 2012. The paper also highlights a number of desirable properties of the Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimator, such as robustness to heteroscedasticity, the ability to hand zero-valued trade flows, and how the estimator simplifies the estimation of general equilibrium effects by satisfying adding-up constraints.

A large body of research has estimated average bilateral border costs, the combined effect of tariff and non-tariff barriers, indirectly by applying the gravity trade model framework, with border costs usually expressed as a tariff rate equivalent. Recent economic studies using this approach suggest further research is needed to accurately estimate these border costs, with concerns raised over the limited information on trade flows found in studied datasets. Geographic aggregation, to national levels or sub-national levels like provinces or states, has been found to introduce upward bias in the estimated border costs. This issue was addressed by another recent Statistics Canada study (Bemrose, Brown and Tweedle 2017), which used highly detailed trade data from the Surface Transportation File (STF).


The Gravity Model

Gravity models of trade originated with the preposition that bilateral trade flows should be increasing with the economic sizes of trading partners, and decreasing in their distance. The seminal work of Anderson and van Wincoop (2003) provided the first of many theoretical justifications for the gravity model, which showed that in addition to size and proximity, gravity models should also incorporate “multilateral resistance” terms to capture the influence of other trading partners. The gravity model for exports from location i to j (Xij) can be written as:

where Πi and Pj are the multilateral resistance terms, Yi is total output for location iEj is location j’s total expenditures on goods and services from all locations, tij is the bilateral trade cost, and −ε is the trade cost elasticity.



The STF was built from shipping records to measure domestic trade between detailed locations within Canada and between the United States and Canada. This dataset was combined with US Commodity Flow Survey (CFS) data to produce trade flow data among 201 comparable Canadian and United States regions for 2012. The resulting dataset is one of the most geographically detailed trade datasets available for measuring the average cost of the Canada-US and provincial borders.

Finer geographic detail should provide better estimates of average shipping distances between economic regions, and make intraregional trade costs more homogeneous across geographical units. Previous studies have suggested that measurement errors in distance and large differences in intraregional trade costs can cause substantial bias in estimated border costs. Sub-State and Sub-Provincial geographies were created for this study using the CFS’s division of states into metropolitan and non-metropolitan (MA/non-MA) areas, and the aggregation of STF trade flows into Economic Regions (ERs) comparable in size to the US MA/non-MA geography.

Most research is limited to using great circle distances between arbitrary points within trading areas. These measures often mischaracterize the distance goods traded between regions actually travel. The STF and CFS allow the derivation of network distances that more accurately reflect the origins, destinations and journeys goods can be expected to take.



The gravity model has traditionally been estimated by taking the natural log and using ordinary least squares (OLS). However, Silva and Tenreyro (2006) show that this approach leads to biased estimates in the presence of heteroskedasticity due to the retransformation problem. The authors suggest estimating the gravity equation in multiplicative form using Poisson Pseudo Maximum Likelihood (PPML) estimation. PPML is robust to heteroscedasticity and has the added benefit of being able to accommodate zero-valued observations for the dependant variable (i.e. zero-valued trade flows). Fally (2015) shows that importer and exporter fixed effects estimated by PPML will always satisfy the adding-up conditions for the multilateral resistance terms, simplifying the process of estimating full general equilibrium effects of changes to border costs.

For the econometric specification, the functional form of the multilateral resistance terms need not be identified to estimate the gravity model, since these terms can be replaced with importer and exporter fixed effects. Proxy variables are used to capture bilateral trade costs, which include distance and dummy variables that indicate if a provincial border, state border, or the Canadian-US border separates the two regions. In much of the literature, the trade cost of exporting from region i to region j is assumed to be a log-linear function of distance. This assumption is likely problematic when using a fine geographic breakdown, as trade involves both fixed and variable transportation costs. To account for possible nonlinearities in the effect of distance, a spline function is defined over various ranges of distance.



The results suggest that the tariff rate equivalent for the Canada-US border is in the neighborhood of 30%, while the provincial border imposes a cost equivalent to a 10% tariff, on average. To gauge the significance of these costs, model estimates are used to evaluate the general equilibrium effects of changing Canada-US border costs through two counter factual scenarios. First, the cost of trading between Canada and the United States is assumed to be equivalent to trading across provincial borders. This amounts to reducing the Canada-US border cost to a 10% tariff equivalent. The second scenario is representative of Canada and the US withdrawling from a preferential trading agreement (i.e. NAFTA). For this case, it is assumed that the Canada-US border cost would increase to a 36% tariff equivalent.

Results suggest that reducing the cost of the Canada-US border from 30 to 10 per cent will lead to an 82.2 per cent increase in exports from Canada to the United States, a 52.0 per cent decrease in inter-provincial exports, and a 46.1 per cent decline in intra-provincial exports. In addition, expenditure on domestic and imported non-energy goods increases 11.4% in Canada.

Estimates also suggest that increasing the Canada-US border cost from 30 to 36 per cent would reduce Canadian exports to the United States by 23.4 per cent and increase trade within Canada with inter-provincial exports rising 11.3 per cent and intra-provincial trade increasing 9.8 per cent. The authors also find that the higher border cost would reduced non-energy goods expenditures by 1.8 per cent (approximately $10 billion CAD in 2012).


Anderson, J. E. and E. van Wincoop (2003). Gravity with Gravitas: A Solution to the Border Puzzle. American Economic Review 93(1), 170–192.

Bemrose, R. K., W. M. Brown, and J. Tweedle (2017). Going the Distance: Estimating the Effect of Provincial Borders on Trade when Geography Matters. Analytical Studies Branch Research Paper Series, no. 394. Statistics Canada Catalogue no. 11F0019M. Ottawa: Statistics Canada.

Fally, T. (2015). Structural gravity and fixed effects. Journal of International Economics 97(1), 76–85.

Silva, J. M. C. S. and S. Tenreyro (2006). The Log of Gravity. The Review of Economics and Statistics 88(4), 641–658.


CCA News // Report on infrastructure calls for greater and urgent investment in core works


CCA issued the following press release to highlight today’s release of the 2019 edition of the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card, which calls for urgent investment in Canada’s public infrastructure.


Report on infrastructure calls for greater and urgent investment in core works, says CCA.


OTTAWA, October 8, 2019 – Canada’s public infrastructure requires urgent attention in the coming decades in order to reverse the current state of disrepair, according to the 2019 edition of the Canadian Infrastructure Report Card (CIRC).

“Data from the report revealed that Canada’s public infrastructure is at serious risk,” said Mary Van Buren, president of the Canadian Construction Association. “It will require rehabilitation and replacement in the next few decades to ensure services provided continue to meet the needs of communities.”

The report, released by founding partners (CCA, Canadian Public Works Association, Canadian Society for Civil Engineering and the Federation for Canadian Municipalities), provides a timely update on the state of Canada’s public infrastructure across all core public infrastructure asset categories: roads and bridges; culture, recreation and sports facilities; potable water; wastewater; stormwater; public transit; and solid waste.

The Canadian Urban Transit Association, Canadian Network of Asset Managers and Association of Consulting Engineering Companies (ACEC) also participated in the 2019 edition.

Key takeaways from the report
Evidence informing the 2019 report shows that a concerning amount of municipal infrastructure is in poor or very poor condition. Infrastructure in this condition represents an immediate need for action, as the rehabilitation or replacement of these assets is required in the next five to 10 years to ensure that the services it provides continue to meet the community’s expectations.

An even larger proportion of municipal infrastructure is in fair condition. Infrastructure in this condition represents a view of things to come in the medium- to long-term. This infrastructure will continue to deteriorate over the next decade, falling into poor and very poor condition if rehabilitation or replacement actions are not taken.

CIRC partners are unanimous in calling upon all parties competing in the 2019 federal election to commit to addressing these shortfalls in their respective infrastructure platforms.

“CCA has made infrastructure a cornerstone of its #Construction4CDNs advocacy campaign,” said Van Buren. “Today’s release of the CIRC only strengthens our resolve in calling for a long-term 25-year blueprint for infrastructure spending in this country to ensure assets are routinely monitored and restored, preventing them from falling into such serious states of disrepair.”

The 2019 Canadian Infrastructure Report Card can be found online at canadianinfrastructure.ca.


Further questions or concerns?

If you have any questions or comments about the rollout of CIRC 2019, please contact CCA’s vice-president of public affairs, Rodrigue Gilbert, at rgilbert@cca-acc.com or 613-236-9455, ext. 432.

Industry News // The Guildfords Group Names William Brown President

The Guildfords Group Names William Brown President


Halifax, NS, Release: October 3, 2019 —

Darren S. Nantes, Chairman of the The Guildfords Group (Guildfords), is pleased to announce the appointment of William Brown as President.

William joined Guildfords in April of 2017 and has led significant change and improvement in numerous business processes throughout the organization. William has held Senior Executive positions for the past 9 years.  Prior to joining Guildfords, William was formerly CFO and then President of a successful steel fabrication and environmental services business catering to the oil and gas sector with operations in Atlantic Canada and Alberta.

William has significant past experience in the areas of business development, operations management and project management having managed multi-million dollar projects.

“We are fortunate to have someone of William’s caliber and experience to lead Guildfords” said Nantes. “We need strong leadership to successfully implement our strategy and take advantage of the market opportunities ahead. ”

Brown said, “This is an exciting time for Guildfords, and I’m thrilled to be taking on the President role. A strong safety culture, employees who are empowered to act and a renewed focus on our customers will be key as we execute on our growth strategy”.


About Guildfords:
Guildfords is a multi-discipline construction company which began operating in 1906 and today has operations across Atlantic Canada employing 300+ people.  Guildfords offers a wide range of services including but not limited to insulation, asbestos abatement, demolition, remediation, spray foam, coatings, fire proofing and steel cladding.


Contact Guildfords: 
25 Guildford Avenue, Dartmouth NS B3B 0H5
Website: guildfordsgroup.com
Phone: 902-481-7900

CANS and Marco Kick-Off Designated Gold Seal Project: The Berkeley

Marco | The Berkeley Retirement Residences

Gold Seal Kick-Off

Early afternoon, on Monday, October 7, 2019, Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) staff along with representatives of Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) Gold Seal, Marco Group and The Berkeley came together to showcase excellence in construction management. Specifically, the luncheon event was a kick-off to Marco’s construction project, The Berkeley Retirement Residences and its designation as a Gold Seal Certified Project.

Seen below, Catherine Campbell, The Berkeley, Allan MacIntosh, Marco Group of Companies, and Duncan Williams, CANS, signed a Memorandum of Understanding acknowledging their shared commitment to professionalism and considerate construction management throughout the duration of this construction project.

Representing the CCA’s program was Gold Seal Chair, Scott Mugridge, P.Eng., GSC, LEED AP, who spoke to the importance of professional designations and recognizing professional development and excellence within our workforce and on our job sites.

Designated Gold Seal: The Berkeley

The Berkeley Retirement Residence project, by Marco Group of Companies is one of two active Gold Seal Certified projects designated in Nova Scotia. Work began on The Berkeley in June 2019 and completion is expected in January 2021.

Marco’s first project for The Berkeley, this new retirement residence will be erected on the site currently occupied by the former Ben’s Bakery building near Quinpool Road in Halifax, NS. Demolition of the existing building will be undertaken by property owner, Westwood Developments. The six-storey building will contain 76 rooms, with a mix of studio, one-bedroom, and two-bedroom apartments. It will also include 20 memory-care rooms to accommodate residents with dementia.

Click here to find out more about Marco’s Designated Gold Seal Project.


Some more photos from the event (click for full-size):


Want to know more about CANS Gold Seal Projects? Contact:

Chantal Arsenault
Manager, Education & Training Development
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
T: 902-468-2267 ext. 706




CANS Advantage Program: 2019-2020 Request for Proposals Now Open!

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) is currently seeking proposals from companies who wish to participate in the CANS Advantage Program, leveraging the buying power of the Association by offering exclusive and unique offers to CANS member companies and their employees.


The request for proposal period is now OPEN and will end on:
October 22, 2019, at 10:00 a.m.





CANS is the leading voice of the construction industry respected by members, government, industry, and the public. CANS represents more than 800 large and small companies throughout Atlantic Canada that build, renovate and restore non-residential buildings, roads, bridges and other engineering projects.

Construction is a an estimated $4 billion per year industry in Nova Scotia and employs nearly 30,000 men and women from across the province.



CANS Advantage is a loyalty program for members of the Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) and their employees.

For information on the current program visit www.cans.ns.ca/advantage



CANS Advantage was created in March 2013 and was developed to provide members with unique and exclusive discounts on products and services throughout North America.

Advantage offers are expected to be jointly promoted by CANS and the offering companies. Promotional opportunities through CANS include, but are not limited to, promotion of offer on the CANS website (www.cans.ns.ca); through CANS Weekly newsletter, and social media (LinkedIn & Twitter).

Year after year, CANS will continue to build on the success of CANS Advantage and expand the program to include even more unique and exclusive offers to our members.


Questions? Please forward any applications or questions to Vanessa Greencorn vgreencorn@cans.ns.ca.