Notice — Congratulations to Duron Atlantic’s Leadership Excellence Graduates

The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) and Duron Atlantic Limited would like to congratulate all the graduates of the joint Duron Atlantic Limited and Construction Association of Nova Scotia Leadership Excellence for Managers and Supervisors Program. 

Statistics – Investment in Nova Scotia Building Construction Decreased 4.6% in June 2021

Investment in Nova Scotia building construction decreased 4.6% in June 2021 (seasonally adjusted) compared to May 2021. Outside of Halifax monthly building construction decreased 7.8% while Halifax building construction increased 1.4% in June 2021.

News — “Despite pandemic, women carved out slightly larger role in construction last year”

The COVID-19 pandemic kept construction crews off sites last spring, stalled projects throughout the year and prompted lingering job losses, but it did not derail recent gains for women in the industry.

Reminder — Invitation to Black-led Businesses: Share Your Federal Procurement Experiences

Public Services and Procurement Canada (PSPC) invites Canadian Black-owned or -led businesses to complete an online questionnaire to provide information about their businesses and their experiences with federal procurement.

CANSnet Preview – NS21-1410: Dartmouth North Community Centre Renovation

In Fall 2020, Dartmouth North Public Library began renovations to update and redesign the interior library space. There are no planned Rec Centre service interruptions during this renovation.

Statistics — Nova Scotia’s Unemployment Decreased 7.1%, July 2021

Labour force survey results reflect the period from July 11 to 17. For comparison, Nova Scotia reopening plan moved to Phase 3 on June 30 and Phase 4 on July 14 (middle of reference week) with less stringent public health measures compared to June.

Notice – Bill C-208 and Changes to Family Business Succession

Bill C-208 provides for the intergenerational transfer of certain family businesses to receive the same tax treatment as businesses sold to a third party.

Statistics — US Construction Spending Was Up 8.2% (June 2021 vs June 2020)

Find more statistics on US Construction Spending from June 2021, including year to date, month over month, and year over year information.

Statistics — Construction Sector Payroll Employment up 8.7%, Jan-May 2021

With May reference month results, year-over-year (May 2021 vs May 2020) and year-to-date (Jan-May 21 vs Jan-May 20) are showing the rebounds in economic activity from the unprecedented declines observed at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. Click to find highlights from the latest statistics released for Payroll, Employment and Earnings, May 2021.

News — Nova Scotia Construction Industry Calls on Government To Finalize Prompt Payment Regulation (Video)

(Video) Global News speaks to Heather Cruickshanks (L.E. Cruickshanks Sheet Metal Ltd.) God Gamble (Iron Dog) and CANS President & CEO, Duncan Williams about the impact delayed payment has on the construction industry and the Nova Scotian economy.