Statistics // National and Provincial Building Permits (October 2021)

Changes in monthly building permit values are typically very volatile, with large swings from one month to the next. Nova Scotia’s total building permits (residential and non-residential) increased 0.8% to $190.6 million.

News // Folk family donates $1 million in memorial student award

“The Adam Folk Memorial endowment will provide students considering a career in plumbing at Nova Scotia Community College with the resources to achieve success, ultimately contributing to strengthening the talent going into the skilled trades and success of the construction industry,” says Duncan Williams, president and CEO of the CANS. “We’ll forever be grateful for Adam’s dedication to help build a brighter future for youth across the province, and the creation of this scholarship fund will keep his memory alive for years to come.”

Statistics // Job Vacancies for September 2021

On November 25, Statistics Canada released monthly results from the Job Vacancy and Wage Survey (JVWS) for September 2021.

Notice // CANS Office to Close Early on November 26 and December 9

Please be advised, CANS Office will close early on these dates. We appreciate your cooperation and encourage members to plan accordingly when accessing CANS services.

CANSnet Preview: NS21-2111 – Public Works – South Shore Regional Hospital Tender Package (TP) #03

The work will include renovations to the emergency department, the endoscopy/day surgery unit, dialysis and physical plant. There will be a new space created for an MRI. Construction is expected to take seven years to complete. The work will be completed in phases.

National Construction Day – November 30

Billed as a day to celebrate the dedicated, hard-working people instrumental in building and connecting our communities through infrastructure, this year’s Construction Day will focus on the industry’s efforts to attract and retain a talented, diverse and inclusive workforce. Find out how you can get involved!

Notice // COVID-19 Vaccination Requirements for Government Contractors

This requirement takes effect on November 15, 2021, in order to provide all government contractors and subcontractors whose work may require access to federal workplaces time to ensure their employees are aware of this requirement and are able to comply with it.

Resource // Webinar to Review All-New CCA 1 Document, December 9

With the new CCA 1 set to be published in December, the Canadian Construction Association (CCA) will be offering a two-hour virtual training session free-of-charge to members.

New Course! Introduction to Understanding Systematic Racism

In this new course from Buildforce Canada, learn to use the best practices of inclusive organizations around the world to address issues of systemic racism.

CANSnet Project Preview: NL21-1077 – Gros Morne National Park – Visitor Reception Centre Renovation

The required work on this project is for complete construction services for significant demolition of the existing Visitor Reception Centre building (160 m2) and the re-construction, renovation, and planned expansion for a revised total 1,125 m2 building.