CANSnet Preview: NS22-0345 – Amelia Saputo Centre – Phase 3 Renovation

Take a peek at this CANSnet Preview covering NS22-0354 – St. Francis Xavier University – RFP – Construction Management for Services and Construction
Amelia Saputo Centre – Phase 3 Renovation. (Don’t miss out! This project closes April 8, 2022!)

Highlights from Budget 2022-23 for Construction Industry

On March 29, the Province tabled Budget 2022-23: Solutions for Healthcare, Solutions for Nova Scotians. Budget 2022-23 contains $1.6 billion for capital projects, the largest single-year capital investment in the province’s history.

Thank You For Attending CANS Emerging Leaders 18th Annual Curling Bonspiel!

CANS Emerging Leaders reconvened for an evening of friendly competition and curling at the annual Emerging Leaders Curling Bonspiel. Twelve teams competed in the tournament, which took place at the CFB Halifax Curling Club on Friday, March 25, 2022.

Release // NS Government Releases Capital Plan 2022-23

The government is making an unprecedented investment in capital spending to ensure Nova Scotians have greater access to modern hospitals and medical equipment, schools, highways, and other improved infrastructure

CANSnet Project Preview: NS22-0407 – Potlotek First Nation – Potlotek Health Centre

Check out a snapshot of this project or visit CANSnet and search our Project Number NS22-0407 about the Potlotek Health Centre in Potlotek First Nation.

COVID-19 Update for CANS Members – March 21, 2022

CANS is pleased to welcome our members into our office for CANS Projects & Documents services! Members have access to our in-person services including, print orders, the sale of CCDC & CCA Standard Documents, and the signing of Statutory Declarations. Please note that we are still offering our virtual Statutory Declaration service.

Notice // Planned Outage: HRM’s PPL&C System – March 17

This memo serves as notice of an upcoming planned outage of the PPL&C system for online permit applications and inspection requests from 8:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 17 until 6:00 a.m. on Monday, March 21, 2022.

Congratulations to the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) National Award Winners

Congratulations to rcs construction and Marco Group Limited on winning the Community Leader and Gold Seal awards (respectively) at the Canadian Construction Association’s (CCA) National Awards ceremony this week in Vancouver, BC.

Notice // TANS – Surcharge

Effective 12:01am March 8, 2022 the Fuel Surcharge will be set at 42.0% for all TANS dispatched trucks paid by the tn/km, cm/km or hourly rate. It is also in effect for all Contractors trucks, or Contractor designed trucks, paid by the tn/km or cm/km.

Safety Bulletin: Guardrails – March 7, 2022

Pursuant to subsection 21.5(3) of the Nova Scotia Workplace Health and Safety Regulations, guardrails are required where “there is a risk of falling at a doorway or the opening of a building floor, roof, walls or shaft.”