3D printing with concrete now possible with new tech

Imagine a robotic machine that builds an entire house out of concrete. If it sounds futuristic, then the future is here, courtesy of University of Southern California engineering professor Behrokh Khoshnevis and his Contour Crafting Robotic Construction System.

Read more.

Information for Employers of Apprentices

Did you know the Canadian Government offers apprenticeship loans, apprenticeship grants and tax credits?

Apprentices can take advantage of interest-free Canada Apprentice Loans up to $4,000 per period of Red Seal technical training. Apply online or download a paper application at www.canada.ca/apprentice. In addition, apprentices can get up to $4,000 through the Apprenticeship Incentive Grant and the Apprenticeship Completion Grant. This information is also available at www.canada.ca/apprentice.

Employers can help their apprentices receive their employment insurance faster by issuing a record of employment using ‘Code J’ in ‘Block 16’ when they leave work. Visit www.canada.ca/apprentice for more information.

CCA Issues Drug and Alcohol Resource Materials

This article by the Grand Valley Construction Association gives background to the materials developed by CCA that are available to CCA members through the Members Only section of the CCA website. Read more.

Women Building Futures hopes to train more workers

When one looks at the numbers, there’s no doubt that Edmonton-based Women Building Futures (WBF) is making a difference when it comes to attracting, informing and training women to work in the construction, industrial and trades sector. Read more.

VIDEO: The Construction Keynote Panel at Buildex 2015

Representatives of the British Columbia construction industry were recently on hand at the construction keynote panel at Buildex Vancouver to look into pressing issues facing the industry. Amongst the topics covered with the difficulty of finding skilled labour, the importance of promoting construction as a viable career choice to young people, and the growing role of technology in the industry. Watch the video

Building on Advantage: Improving Canada’s Trade Infrastructure

If trade is the oxygen of the Canadian Economy, then infrastructure is the lungs.

Without the ability to move good efficiently to and from foreign markets we will suffer. This is not a distant worry. Canada’s system for moving goods to market is under strain and may be inadequate to meet growing future global demand.

Read more from CCA’s report – Building on Advantage: Improving Canada’s Trade Infrastructure.

At the Intersection: The Case for Sustained and Strategic Public Infrastructure Investment

Canada’s governments should not hesitate to maintain a high level of investment in infrastructure. Sustained and strategic investment in public infrastructure is essential to Canada’s long-term economic growth and is critical to the quality of life enjoyed by Canadians.

Read more from CCA’s report – At The Intersection.

Oil prices and aging workforce to impact industry: BuildForce

Plunging oil prices, an aging workforce set to retire and moderate growth are all factors changing work conditions for Canadian construction, finds BuildForce Canada’s recent forecast. Read more.

‘Very large’ infrastructure announcements on the horizon: industry minister

The upcoming federal budget will reaffirm the Conservative government’s commitment to infrastructure spending, Industry Minister James Moore says, adding that a number of major infrastructure announcements are on the horizon. Read more.

First cohort graduates from Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership program

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: First cohort graduates from Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership program

Halifax, NS – (07/04/2015) The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) congratulates the first cohort of the Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership, a new professional development program that was the result of a partnership between CANS and Dalhousie University’s Faculty of Management’s Executive Education.

“Construction is one of the largest industries in Nova Scotia and one that is continuously growing and evolving in Canada,” says Duncan Williams, President of CANS. “The level of sophistication required to successfully compete locally, regionally or globally on increasingly complex projects commands exceptional leadership from people with great potential. We applaud all participants on their dedication to investing in leadership development that contributes to both their own and their organizations success.”

The Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership was designed to support high potential candidates in Nova Scotia’s construction industry.

“Our innovative approach to Executive Education is grounded in creating custom programs that are contextualized for the client’s industry,” says Deborah Merry, Director of Executive Education at Dalhousie University. “Our programs are intended to have immediate impact on the organization.”

Continues Merry, “the goal of the CANS’ program was to provide participants from member organizations an opportunity to develop critical leadership skills that would enable them to increase their organization’s productivity, innovation and competitiveness. In developing the program we also kept top-of-mind the prior experience of the participants and their availability of time. We want the program to be accessible and for participation to be manageable for busy leaders in the construction industry.”

The cohort-based program, consisting of 15 courses, was delivered through a blend of face-to-face learning, pre-course work, and a variety of learning methods such as group activities, open discussions and practical applied exercises. The program satisfies 25 educational credits for qualified candidates seeking to obtain their Gold Seal Accreditation, a nationally recognized level of experience and competence. A new start of the program will begin each fall, providing ample opportunity for qualified candidates to register every year.

“The Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership program was a game changer in certain aspects of my role,” says Matt Brunt, division manager of Bird-Stairs and a participant of the program. “The participants in the program are now trusted advisors and friends, making the experience even more rewarding.”

Graduation certificates will be awarded to the first cohort of the Executive Certificate in Construction Leadership program on Thursday, April 9 at Dalhousie’s University Club from 5 – 7 p.m. Follow CANS and Dalhousie Executive Education on Twitter for photos and updates of the event – @Construction_NS and @DalExecEd



Colleen Fiske
Communications & Marketing Lead
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
Ph: (902) 468-2267 x. 713
Cell: (902) 818-0835