You Can Now 3D Print with Liquefied Wood
A chemist at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden is making sustainable 3D printing a reality. Read more
A chemist at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden is making sustainable 3D printing a reality. Read more
Students going into Grades Seven and Eight are exploring a future career in the skilled trades and technologies at the Skills Work! Summer Camp in Sudbury. Read more
Labour market ministers from across Canada agreed to continue to take ambitious action to improve economic opportunities for Canadians. Read more
Many fatherly figures showed up to support 10 girls who participated in the Girls Exploring Trades and Technology (GETT) camp for girls between Grade 6 and 8 in Saskatchewan. Read more
A country’s competitiveness was traditionally based on its natural resources. But to be competitive in the 21st century, we need to focus on people and developing talent within our borders — this is particularly critical as populations age and shortages of skilled talent emerge. Read more
Following a fatal incident in 2011, it took little convincing for Blair Buchholtz, Edmonton Transportation Services general supervisor of aggregate and recycling, to try out a new piece of safety technology. Read more
The federal government is expanding training and skills development opportunities for women by investing more than $2 million in the Women Building Futures’ (WBF) Heavy Equipment Operator (HEO) Program. Read more
The best practice for strategic infrastructure investment in Golden, B.C. and Edmonton, Alta. demonstrates the importance of embracing the process of asset management for municipal leaders across Canada, says one former municipal leader. Read more
Paying a bill is the final step in an exchange of value between the payer and the payee. That this is an exchange is a crucial point, and the fact that payers – who have already received their value – sometimes seem to overlook this is the cause of much rancor. Delayed or non-payment instantly triggers a deep-seated sense of injustice. Read more
This notification is to advise patrons/customers of the Angus Macdonald Bridge (ALM) that additional bridge closures are required to complete the above noted project. Friday July 24th, 2015 Bridge will be closed from 1900 hours to 0700 hours (1 ½ hours in addition to scheduled “Big Lift” closure). Saturday July 25th, 2015 Bridge will be closed from 1900 hours to 0530 hours. These are full bridge closures of all three vehicular lanes.