“Is Our Industry Broken?” LCI-C Keynote

Construction, said Bill Black, the president and CEO of Brxton, comes with a long heritage, but added that with that comes habits. “There’s an incredible room for improvement, on multiple levels,” Black said. But he cautioned that there is a danger in looking at the situation as “glass half empty” rather than looking at ways to improve the industry. Read more

Lean Construction Maturity

Lean Construction (LC), a management philosophy, is known in the industry to enable organizations to achieve major improvement in terms of productivity and levels of innovation through more collaborative approaches. However, implementing LC is not an easy task for organizations and often requires fundamental changes at both – the strategic and operational level. Read more

CCA Releases a Report on the Quality of Documents Workshops

In 2015 CCA embarked on a series of “Quality of Documents” workshops across Canada to explore and discuss the issue of poor quality documentation, its potential causes, and, perhaps most importantly, potential solutions to address the issue. With the workshops now complete, CCA is pleased to publish a summary report of both the workshops and the surveys conducted. In the report, readers will find the top five identified causes with the greatest impact on document quality, as identified from more than 400 survey results. Download executive summary and report

New Infrastructure Program Invests in Innovation and Sustainable Growth at Canadian Post-secondary Institutions

The Minister of Science announced last week that the Government of Canada will launch the application process for a $2-billion fund that will improve research and innovation infrastructure at universities and colleges across the country. Read more

B.C. Construction Industry Hiring Workers from Alberta

Strong activity in British Columbia’s construction industry is drawing skilled workers to the province from Alberta, according to the 2016 Construction Industry Survey, released Feb. 23 by the British Columbia Construction Association (BCCA). Read more

How Can You Attract Millenials to Your Construction Business?

The construction industry has been in the threat of a worker shortage for years now as many baby boomers are retiring, the Great Recession forced many construction laborers out of the industry, and fewer and fewer young adults are interested in joining the construction industry. Read more

CCA Chair Anibal Valente at the Vancouver Board of Trade

Outgoing CCA chair Anibal Valente was the keynote speaker at a recent Vancouver Board of Trade Luncheon. Valente spoke to Vancouver’s business community about the importance of construction to the Canadian economy. Watch video

CCA President Michael Atkinson on the Upcoming Federal Budget

Michael Atkinson, the president of the Canadian Construction Association (CCA), is in New Orleans for the organization’s 98th annual conference. See Video

Infrastructure Bank Just One Tool to Ensure the Right Investment

The concept of a Canadian Infrastructure Bank (CIB) is one tool that if designed and structured properly could help build on the federal government’s plan to spend $125-billion over the next 10 years on infrastructure, a new report suggests. Read more


NEWS RELEASE                                                                                                         For immediate release
Construction Association of Nova Scotia wins CCA Gold Seal Association Award at Canadian Construction Association Annual Conference

HALIFAX, March 9, 2016 ‐‐The Construction Association of Nova Scotia (CANS) was thrilled to take home the CCA Gold Seal Association Award at the Construction Association of Canada’s (CCA) Annual Conference taking place March 4-11th in New Orleans.

“As part of our Strategic Plan we set out to be the leading provider of industry education and training to the construction industry,” says CANS President Duncan Williams. “Over the past 4 years we have continued to increase the sophistication of offerings and have been promoting Gold Seal Certification as the industry standard.”

The CCA Gold Seal Association Award recognizes outstanding achievements by CCA partner associations to promote and support the CCA Gold Seal program.

“Our entire course catalogue is Gold Seal Accredited,” says Williams. “This translates to over 80 courses, and approximately 44 Gold Seal credits or 220 hours of training, that members can then take and apply towards their Gold Seal Certification.”

Through a variety of communications channels, including Lunch and Learn sessions, CANS provides members with the benefits of Gold Seal Certification, the certification process, the paths to certification, and the process to apply for certification. CANS also works directly with individuals and organizations to develop customized training plans designed to help individuals become certified.

“In 2015-2016 CANS had over 100 members engaged in one of the phases of the Gold Seal process,” adds Williams. “Looking forward to 2016-2017 we are continuing to see growth as more and more members understand the benefits of Gold Seal Certification.”

To-date the construction industry in Nova Scotia has through CANS invested over 2.5 million in training and education. CANS has also assisted members pursuing their Gold Seal Certification in securing funding through the Department of Labour and Advanced Education and an initiative of the Canada-Nova Scotia Job Grant Workplace Innovation and Productivity Skills Incentive (WIPSI). To date CANS has helped member companies secure more than $400,000 in government funding for training.

The Canadian Construction Association’s National Awards Program recognizes the important contributions of individuals, organizations and projects that promote and enhance the Canadian construction industry, whether through innovation, projects, or dedication to the industry.

“We are always working to find new ways to engage our members and increase value and this Award is really the icing on the cake,” says CANS President Duncan Williams.” It is always great to be recognized for your achievements, especially on the national stage.”

“On behalf of CANS, we’d like to extend huge thank you to all of those who have had a hand in making this happen and to our membership for their support and commitment to the enhancement of the construction industry,” says Williams.

More information about the Canadian Construction Association’s National Awards Program can be found at http://cca-acc.com/en/about-cca/awards.

CANS represents more than 760 large and small companies that build, renovate and restore non-residential buildings, roads, bridges and other engineering projects. We are an industry trade association representing the interests of contractors, suppliers and service providers throughout Atlantic Canada and across the country. Construction is a $2.8 billion a year industry in Nova Scotia and employs nearly 30,000 men and women from across the province. For more information about the Construction Association of Nova Scotia visit www.cans.ns.ca.



For more information, contact:

Janet Tobin
Communications and Marketing Lead
Construction Association of Nova Scotia
Ph: (902) 468.2267 x. 713
Cell: (902) 818-0835